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AKG K 271 Studio
AKG K 271 Studio

Casque studio de la marque AKG appartenant à la série K 271

Différence entre k271 et k171

  • 2 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 1 109 vues
Sujet de la discussion Différence entre k271 et k171
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C'est en voulant connaître toujours davantage qu'on se rend compte qu'on ne sait pas grand-chose.
K 171 Studio

Type : closed-back, supraaural dynamic headphones
Sensitivity : 94 dB SPL/mW
Frequency range : 18 to 26.000 Hz
Rated impedance : 55 ohms
THD : <0.4%
Cable : plug-in, 99.99% OFC single cable, approx. 3 m (10 ft.)
Connector : gold plated stereo mini jack
Adapter : gold plated mini to 1/4" screw-on adapter jack
Net weight : (without cable) 200 g (7.1 oz)
Special features : plug-in cable with mini XLR connector
Patent(s) : Varimotion – multiple-thickness diaphragm for dynamic
transducer(Patent no. AT 403.751, US 6.185.809)
Acoustic slot resistor for dynamic transducer (Patent no. AT 408.706)

K 271 Studio

Type : closed-back, circumaural dynamic headphones
Sensitivity : 91 dB SPL/mW
Frequency range : 16 to 28,000 Hz
Rated impedance : 55 ohms
THD : <0.3 %
Cable : plug-in, 99.99% OFC single cable, approx. 3 m (10 ft.)
Connector : gold plated stereo mini jack
Adapter : gold plated mini to 1/4" screw-on adapter jack
Net weight : (without cable) 240 g (8.5 oz)
Special features : plug-in cable with mini XLR connector
Patent(s) : Varimotion – multiple-thickness diaphragm for dynamic
transducer (Patent no. AT 403.751, US 6.185.809)
Acoustic slot resistor for dynamic transducer (Patent no. AT 408.706)
Le 171 est dedié au DJ, si tel est ton cas prends le.