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Bare Knuckle Pickups Aftermath
Bare Knuckle Pickups Aftermath
Hatsubai Hatsubai

« Evolution of the Painkiller »

Publié le 19/05/11 à 00:26
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Bare Knuckle Pickups Aftermath is the next incarnation of the Painkiller. It’s part of the contemporary line of pickups that Bare Knuckle offers, so it’s more of a modern pickup than classic pickup. It features allen bolts on both coils, three custom ceramic magnets stacked on top of each other, a ceramic manget for the bridge and Alnico V for the neck. The pickup comes standard with four conductor wiring, but there are tons of options you can order for this thing.

Some people weren’t digging the huge amount of midrange that the Painkiller offers. Tim decided to make a new variation of the Painkiller that had less mids but was razer tight. This was the pickup he came up with. It is a super, super tight pickup that works great for ultra fast triplets ala Iced Earth and Meshuggah. The low end on this pickup is very focused sounding. Where as the Warpig has a huge low end, this has a more narrow and tighter low end to really keep everything in check. The mids on this are a lot more even than the Painkiller. It’s not so overbearing that it takes over the guitar’s natural properties. The treble on this is also fairly even sounding in that it’s present, but it’s not overbearing like certain other pickups can be. The split coil tones and parallel tones seem to work very nice. When split, it delivers a fairly authentic sounding split tone, and the parallel tone gives an almost telecaster kinda sound.

I find that this pickup seems to work best in nearly any wood from alder to mahogany. It’s not nearly as picky as the Painkiller was, and it works great at extending the guitar’s natural frequencies.

If you’re looking for the tightest pickup that BKP offers, definitely check this one out. It’s an awesome revision of the famous Painkiller.