Annonces STR-1 Pro Electric Sitar Guitar
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Publié le 28/05/10 à 21:21

The Rogue Guitars STR-1 Pro Electric Sitar Guitar is the cheapest way possible to get an electric sitar. My experience with the STR-1 Sitar Guitar isn't as extensive as it is with some of the higher end electric sitars, but I wanted to try out this one for a number of reasons. The first and foremost reason is the price. By far the STR-1 is the least expensive electric sitar that I've seen, making something like this available for almost any player. I've only gotten the chance to play this guitar a few times, and didn't get to do any recording with it. However, I definitely got a good feel for what the instrument is capable of and what it isn't capable of. The guitar is a standard 6 string, but also has 13 sympathetic strings for droning. It's got three different pick ups, each with it's own separate controls for volume and tone. While the pick ups aren't the best sounding out there, the guitar overall has a good enough sound quality to portray that of an electric sitar. The other electric sitars that I've used are really in a whole other ballgame, which are those made by Jerry Jones. The Coral and Baby Sitars are in another class, so it isn't really fair to compare them with the STR-1, but yet again those are the only other electric sitars that I've used. The Jerry Jones models are much more expensive than this one, so the comparison really doesn't hold any weight. So while the Rogue STR-1 isn't up to standard with the Jerry Jones sitars, it's still very playable and definitely has a decent enough sound to pass for an electric sitar. If you can afford one of the Jerry Jones models in any capacity, I'd absolutely recommend going with them instead, but if you can't afford one and are just looking for something on the cheaper end, the Rogue Guitars STR-1 Pro Electric Sitar Guitar is the only available option that I've found...
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Rogue Guitars
- Modèle : STR-1 Pro Electric Sitar Guitar
- Catégorie : Autres cordes pincées
- Fiche créée le : 03/02/2006
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Autres dénominations : str 1 pro electric sitar guitar, str1proelectricsitarguitar, str1 proelectricsitarguitar, str 1 proelectricsitarguitar, str1 pro electric sitar guitar, str 1pro electric sitar guitar