Annonces G-Drive
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Publié le 27/12/10 à 18:46

The G Technology G-Drive is an external hard drive that comes in a variety of different sizes up to 2 TeraBytes. It's perfect for using for Pro Tools sessions as well as for other high demanding media and general storage. A few clients have brought these drives in and they do nothing but rave about their stability and how they've had them for a while without any issues at all. I don't currently own a G-Drive, but one of these will most likely be the next drive I pick up for my next large project. The drives have a variety of connections, including two FireWire 800 ports, a mini USB 2.0 port, and an eSata jack as well. It comes with it's own power supply and needs to be plugged in. It also comes with a FireWire 800 to 400 cable if you want to plug into a FW 400 port on your computer. The drive is highly customizable, but can support up to 32 MB of cache and has a 7200 RPM speed. The casing is as sturdy as they come, as even if you were to drop it I think the insides would be safe. Of course this is a pretty high end drive so it's going to cost you more than the cheapest drives will, but consider that it's going to last a really long time. You can get drive sizes ranging from 500 GB to 2 TB, but it's probably worth it to get the max size if you can afford it as getting a few smaller drives is going to be a good amount more than just getting a larger sized drive. If you're a professional looking for a top tier hard drive for music or film purposes, the G Technology G-Drive is one of the best you can get.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : G Technology
- Modèle : G-Drive
- Catégorie : Disques durs
- Fiche créée le : 27/12/2010
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Autres dénominations : g drive, gdrive