Annonces C 416
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Publié le 01/03/09 à 02:20

The AKG C 416 is a condenser goose neck shaped microphone. It is designed for use either in the studio or during live performances. It has a clip with it, and is designed to be clipped on saxophones or other horns so you can get a really close up signal from the instruments. It also has a built in XLR cable, which is convenient in terms of quickly setting up. I have only used this microphone in the studio, but is definitley suitable for use inside the studio and on the stage.
I've been using the AKG C 416 mic for about four years. I got it in the AKG drum mic pack along with a few C 418s and a D 112. While I no longer have a use for this microphone, and have since sold it, it worked well for me when I had as a horn microphone in my home recording studio. It has a good tone to it and is suitable for all types of horns, as well as drums. The clip is really convenient when setting up this microphone with these instruments, as they have a place to put the clip and place the microphone conveniently. The price of the microphone is pretty cheap if you can get one used as these are no longer made. However, when these were new the price probably wasn't worth it as it was a bit overpriced. Sine I got it within the AKG drum mic pack, the price was really reasonable. I really no longer had a use for this type of microphone, so I no longer have one, but for the time that I owned this microphone it was reliable and worked well for what I was doing. All in all, the AKG C 416 is a good microphone for what it brings to the table.
I've been using the AKG C 416 mic for about four years. I got it in the AKG drum mic pack along with a few C 418s and a D 112. While I no longer have a use for this microphone, and have since sold it, it worked well for me when I had as a horn microphone in my home recording studio. It has a good tone to it and is suitable for all types of horns, as well as drums. The clip is really convenient when setting up this microphone with these instruments, as they have a place to put the clip and place the microphone conveniently. The price of the microphone is pretty cheap if you can get one used as these are no longer made. However, when these were new the price probably wasn't worth it as it was a bit overpriced. Sine I got it within the AKG drum mic pack, the price was really reasonable. I really no longer had a use for this type of microphone, so I no longer have one, but for the time that I owned this microphone it was reliable and worked well for what I was doing. All in all, the AKG C 416 is a good microphone for what it brings to the table.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : AKG
- Modèle : C 416
- Série : C 416
- Catégorie : Microphones pour Instruments à Vent
- Fiche créée le : 28/03/2004
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Distribué par Freevox
Autres catégories dans Accessoires pour Instruments à Vent
Autres dénominations : c416