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Publié le 10/01/11 à 22:50(contenu en anglais)
The Regal Tip Drum Torque is an incredibly handy tool that is made for helping you tune drums. It's basically a wrench that hooks into the drum lugs on any drum and measures the pressure for tuning purposes. This ensures that your tuning will be even all the way around. The device isn't very difficult to use, although I've only used it a handful of times and don't own one myself. However, this is really just because I'm not a drummer and would most certainly have one if I had some drums of my own. Even so, it's an awesome little tool to have around the studio and is something I'm going to suggest getting at the pro studio I work at. The only reason I got to use this was when a session drummer brought it in and as an assistant he asked me to use it to tune up his drums evenly. Usually this will be done by the drummer himself, but this tool makes it easy enough for anyone to do it quickly and to help save time. The Regal Tip Drum Torque isn't very expensive and is really just a simple, specified tool. It's worth having if you're a gigging or studio drummer who brings around their drums a lot and has them fall out of tune constantly or anyone who just wants the drum tuning process to be a little bit easier from now on. It won't get much easier than this, as Drum Torque more or less does the work for you. There isn't much of a learning curve as you should be able to get the hang of it quickly, which is probably the main concern with someone getting this or not. The Regal Tip Drum Torque is absolutely a tool worth investing in for any drummer...00