Annonces PCP Instrument Distro
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Publié le 06/02/10 à 21:15

The Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro is a unique device that I have used in the recording studio, but can be used for both studio and live show scenarios. This is a routing device that allows you to split off your signal in an endless variety of ways. You send your original signal to this, and you then have the ability to send it out of three different outputs. Each of the outputs also has a variety of parameters including phase reverse and ground lift. The PCP Instrument Distro isn't rack mountable in a traditional space, but can be racked and will fit in some sort of other casing.
Using the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro can definitely take some time to get used to, as the possibilities in terms of routing are really endless. However, after examining the unit a little bit, I was able to understand pretty clearly everything going on without the assistance of a manual. You can literally send your signal to any sort of combination of outputs, making it great for all sorts of studio and live show applications. I have used this to re-amp guitar sounds, as well as for a variety of other purposes...
While the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro doesn't actually make any sounds of its own, it will absolutely maintain your signal without adding any noise or losing any sound quality. I've only used this device with electric guitar, but it can certainly be used for any electronic instrument and beyond if you have the right connections. Not too much else to say about the sound quality beyond that you have nothing to worry about as far as if this will reproduce your signal faithfully.
Unless you've got a pretty large studio or live rig, the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro probably isn't necessary, but when working in these sorts of settings, this comes in quite handy. I don't personally own one of these, but have used one pretty extensively in one of the studios that I've worked at. As I said earlier, I haven't used this for a live show, but have read and heard that it works great for this application as well. The Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro will cost you about a grand in USD, but if you've got a large set up, it will be of great help to you for sure...
Using the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro can definitely take some time to get used to, as the possibilities in terms of routing are really endless. However, after examining the unit a little bit, I was able to understand pretty clearly everything going on without the assistance of a manual. You can literally send your signal to any sort of combination of outputs, making it great for all sorts of studio and live show applications. I have used this to re-amp guitar sounds, as well as for a variety of other purposes...
While the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro doesn't actually make any sounds of its own, it will absolutely maintain your signal without adding any noise or losing any sound quality. I've only used this device with electric guitar, but it can certainly be used for any electronic instrument and beyond if you have the right connections. Not too much else to say about the sound quality beyond that you have nothing to worry about as far as if this will reproduce your signal faithfully.
Unless you've got a pretty large studio or live rig, the Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro probably isn't necessary, but when working in these sorts of settings, this comes in quite handy. I don't personally own one of these, but have used one pretty extensively in one of the studios that I've worked at. As I said earlier, I haven't used this for a live show, but have read and heard that it works great for this application as well. The Little Labs PCP Instrument Distro will cost you about a grand in USD, but if you've got a large set up, it will be of great help to you for sure...
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Little Labs
- Modèle : PCP Instrument Distro
- Catégorie : Boîtes de direct
- Fiche créée le : 09/02/2006
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Distribué par Audio Addict
Autres catégories dans Préamplification & DI
Autres dénominations : pcp instrument distro, pcpinstrumentdistro, pcp instrumentdistro