Annonces C2
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Publié le 20/05/09 à 03:38

The Joe Meek C2 is an analog stereo compressor that is pretty simple in make up. It has two inputs and two outputs and is not a rackable unit - it is about the size of half of a single rack space unit, although I've never seen it racked before.
The configuration of the Joe Meek C2 compressor is really easy to follow as it only has standard parameters. It has knobs for input, output, compression, attack, and release, which are pretty basic parameters as far as compressors go. The parameters control both of the channels and you cannot split them up and use them individually as far as I know. Since the unit has these basic control settings, those with any experience with compressors should have no problems at all. I don't have the manual for the Joe Meek C2 so I can't speak to how complete it is.
The overall sound of the Joe Meek C2 is crisp and clean and is great for a variety of the different applications. I've used it on all types of instruments including electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, vocals, snare drum, and kick drum. It is a great all around compressor and while it is a stereo compressor you don't have to use both channels if you only want to use a mono track, but you can't use the channels separately. There are enough parameters to make this a very capable unit and this added to its get inherent tone makes it a great overall compressor.
I've been using the Joe Meek C2 stereo compressor for a little over two years and I've always been happy with the sounds I am able to get with it. Its ease of use is a big plus and only adds to its versatility and overall capabilities. The price of the Joe Meek C2 is reasonable considering the great compressor you are getting, and is definitely suitable for both home studio owners and professionals alike. If you are a home studio owner looking to get a lot of bang for your buck or if you are simply looking to add to your collection, the Joe Meek C2 is a really solid choice.
The configuration of the Joe Meek C2 compressor is really easy to follow as it only has standard parameters. It has knobs for input, output, compression, attack, and release, which are pretty basic parameters as far as compressors go. The parameters control both of the channels and you cannot split them up and use them individually as far as I know. Since the unit has these basic control settings, those with any experience with compressors should have no problems at all. I don't have the manual for the Joe Meek C2 so I can't speak to how complete it is.
The overall sound of the Joe Meek C2 is crisp and clean and is great for a variety of the different applications. I've used it on all types of instruments including electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, vocals, snare drum, and kick drum. It is a great all around compressor and while it is a stereo compressor you don't have to use both channels if you only want to use a mono track, but you can't use the channels separately. There are enough parameters to make this a very capable unit and this added to its get inherent tone makes it a great overall compressor.
I've been using the Joe Meek C2 stereo compressor for a little over two years and I've always been happy with the sounds I am able to get with it. Its ease of use is a big plus and only adds to its versatility and overall capabilities. The price of the Joe Meek C2 is reasonable considering the great compressor you are getting, and is definitely suitable for both home studio owners and professionals alike. If you are a home studio owner looking to get a lot of bang for your buck or if you are simply looking to add to your collection, the Joe Meek C2 is a really solid choice.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Joemeek
- Modèle : C2
- Catégorie : Compresseurs de studio
- Fiche créée le : 03/10/2008
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