Annonces The Dr Vintage Set
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Publié le 18/01/09 à 02:51
Description Wolfe :
The Dr. Vintage set -
The Dr. Vintage pickups: These pickups were developed to provide a vintage sound in modern reissue guitars. Designed to have an output and tone of normal-level P.A.Fs, they provide a clear, warm & balanced tone, that allows your guitar's true voice to be heard. Built with an exacting wind and Alnico-2 magnets that have been individually tested to meet specific criteria. All the components of the Dr. Vintage pickups are carefully developed to work together to give your modern guitar a true vintage sound and musical 'feel'. Dr. Vintage pickup sets are available with two different neck pickup options: Normal, and a special neck pickup wind designed...…
The Dr. Vintage set -
The Dr. Vintage pickups: These pickups were developed to provide a vintage sound in modern reissue guitars. Designed to have an output and tone of normal-level P.A.Fs, they provide a clear, warm & balanced tone, that allows your guitar's true voice to be heard. Built with an exacting wind and Alnico-2 magnets that have been individually tested to meet specific criteria. All the components of the Dr. Vintage pickups are carefully developed to work together to give your modern guitar a true vintage sound and musical 'feel'. Dr. Vintage pickup sets are available with two different neck pickup options: Normal, and a special neck pickup wind designed...…
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Description Wolfe :
The Dr. Vintage set -
The Dr. Vintage pickups: These pickups were developed to provide a vintage sound in modern reissue guitars. Designed to have an output and tone of normal-level P.A.Fs, they provide a clear, warm & balanced tone, that allows your guitar's true voice to be heard. Built with an exacting wind and Alnico-2 magnets that have been individually tested to meet specific criteria. All the components of the Dr. Vintage pickups are carefully developed to work together to give your modern guitar a true vintage sound and musical 'feel'. Dr. Vintage pickup sets are available with two different neck pickup options: Normal, and a special neck pickup wind designed to 'warm up' very bright-sounding guitars. 8.05k bridge, 7.5k neck recommended for most guitars, or 7.7k neck for extremely bright guitars.
(Sound clips sur le site de Wolfe et ici :
- Micros boutiques de très bonne qualité handmade.
- Je les utilise depuis 1 an montés sur ma Gibson ES-335 (capots aged).
- J'adore leur chaleur, précision, gain vintage, aérés, articulés et restent définis en crunch ou saturé !
- Moins puissant que des BB pro de chez Gibson, mais bien plus précis et originaux ! Assez proches des '57 Classic PAF ! Axés plutôt vintage Blues, Rock'n'Roll.
- Rap Qu Px = Très bon !
- Je referais le même choix sans hésitation.
The Dr. Vintage set -
The Dr. Vintage pickups: These pickups were developed to provide a vintage sound in modern reissue guitars. Designed to have an output and tone of normal-level P.A.Fs, they provide a clear, warm & balanced tone, that allows your guitar's true voice to be heard. Built with an exacting wind and Alnico-2 magnets that have been individually tested to meet specific criteria. All the components of the Dr. Vintage pickups are carefully developed to work together to give your modern guitar a true vintage sound and musical 'feel'. Dr. Vintage pickup sets are available with two different neck pickup options: Normal, and a special neck pickup wind designed to 'warm up' very bright-sounding guitars. 8.05k bridge, 7.5k neck recommended for most guitars, or 7.7k neck for extremely bright guitars.
(Sound clips sur le site de Wolfe et ici :
- Micros boutiques de très bonne qualité handmade.
- Je les utilise depuis 1 an montés sur ma Gibson ES-335 (capots aged).
- J'adore leur chaleur, précision, gain vintage, aérés, articulés et restent définis en crunch ou saturé !
- Moins puissant que des BB pro de chez Gibson, mais bien plus précis et originaux ! Assez proches des '57 Classic PAF ! Axés plutôt vintage Blues, Rock'n'Roll.
- Rap Qu Px = Très bon !
- Je referais le même choix sans hésitation.
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Wolfetone
- Modèle : The Dr Vintage Set
- Catégorie : Kits de micros pour guitare
- Fiche créée le : 06/03/2009
Nous n'avons pas de fiche technique sur ce produit
mais votre aide est la bienvenue
Distribué par GuitarNBlues
Autres catégories dans Micros guitare
Autres dénominations : thedrvintageset, the dr vintage ( aged covers) paf, thedrvintage(agedcovers)paf, thedrvintage ( aged covers) paf, the dr vintage paf, thedrvintage paf, thedrvintagepaf