12 vidéos
Mason Stoops & Adam Levy | Things We Said Today |…
Madison Cunningham | Beauty Into Clichés | Aea Se…
Benjamin Shepherd | Pocket | Aea Sessions
One Mic - One Grand Piano - Aea R88 - How High Th…
Aea R88 Stereo Ribbon Microphone @ Frontendaudio.…
Aea R88 Stereo Ribbon Microphone Unboxing
Aea N8 And R88 Ribbon Microphones @ Zenproaudio.c…
Aea R88 Stereo Ribbon Microphone Quick N' Dirty
Aea R88 Stereo Mic - Electric Guitar (Jazz) - Lis…
Ashley Campbell | I Catch Myself Crying | Aea Ses…
One Mic Recording / Aea R88 Ribbon "Hear The Sou…
One Mic Test / Aea R88 Ribbon

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