Annonces JEM777 [1987-1996]
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il y a que VAI qui VAI
Publié le 03/02/14 à 20:06C'est un modèle "made in japan de 1989" avec un manche ultra fin... contrairement aux autres modèles suivant .... le rose FLU est de toute beauté.... ainsi que la fleur de vie sur le manche qui rend cette guitare unique dès le premier coup d'oeil. Elle est équipé du EDGE, floyd maison de la amrque comme sur les satriani... car le lo pro edge apparaitra un peu plutard...floyd rose de grande qualité et de stabilité....
Elle comporte 24 cases dont les dernières scallopées !!! (21 à 24) ce qui rend cette guitare très bien pensé !!! ce sont des détails qui tuent... et qui rend cette guitare unique...aussi bien en matiere de son et de confort de jeu....
Pour ce qui est des micros DIMARZIO ce...…
Elle comporte 24 cases dont les dernières scallopées !!! (21 à 24) ce qui rend cette guitare très bien pensé !!! ce sont des détails qui tuent... et qui rend cette guitare unique...aussi bien en matiere de son et de confort de jeu....
Pour ce qui est des micros DIMARZIO ce...…
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C'est un modèle "made in japan de 1989" avec un manche ultra fin... contrairement aux autres modèles suivant .... le rose FLU est de toute beauté.... ainsi que la fleur de vie sur le manche qui rend cette guitare unique dès le premier coup d'oeil. Elle est équipé du EDGE, floyd maison de la amrque comme sur les satriani... car le lo pro edge apparaitra un peu plutard...floyd rose de grande qualité et de stabilité....
Elle comporte 24 cases dont les dernières scallopées !!! (21 à 24) ce qui rend cette guitare très bien pensé !!! ce sont des détails qui tuent... et qui rend cette guitare unique...aussi bien en matiere de son et de confort de jeu....
Pour ce qui est des micros DIMARZIO ce sont les PAF PRO car les evolution sont apparut apres (début 90) donc c'est plus le son de STEVE période DAVID LEE ROTH / WHITESNAKE !!! fin 80 Début 90...
Le manche est ultra fin... super agréable , vernis satiné, érable touche palissandre.... parfait pour le jeu rapide/ shred....le poids de la guitare est assez léger, basswood americain !! l'accès aux aigus est facile , l'ergonomie de la gratte a été super bien pensée c'est une guitare de shred c'est clair..!!!!
Pour les micros DIMARZIO PAF PRO, ils sont les classiques de la marque... on les trouve sur les Satriani/paul GILBERT/ sambora..... et bien d'autres... micros ultra réputé en grave son chaud et rond à souhait !! et en aigu assez mordant pour envoyer du sérieux !!
mais la force de cette Steve Vai !! c'est le micro simple.. qui permet un choix de son très varié ; funk; reggae; POP; enfin tout y passe !! excellent c'est un instrument professionnel tout terrain; scène /studio...
Je la possède depuis 12 ans, après l'essai avec des modèles récent de l'époque (2002) et de maintenant ... franchement la qualité de cette steve vai de 1989 est juste exceptionnelle...c'est un véritable instrument professionnel !!! avec la qualité d' IBANEZ de cette époque...
Elle comporte 24 cases dont les dernières scallopées !!! (21 à 24) ce qui rend cette guitare très bien pensé !!! ce sont des détails qui tuent... et qui rend cette guitare unique...aussi bien en matiere de son et de confort de jeu....
Pour ce qui est des micros DIMARZIO ce sont les PAF PRO car les evolution sont apparut apres (début 90) donc c'est plus le son de STEVE période DAVID LEE ROTH / WHITESNAKE !!! fin 80 Début 90...
Le manche est ultra fin... super agréable , vernis satiné, érable touche palissandre.... parfait pour le jeu rapide/ shred....le poids de la guitare est assez léger, basswood americain !! l'accès aux aigus est facile , l'ergonomie de la gratte a été super bien pensée c'est une guitare de shred c'est clair..!!!!
Pour les micros DIMARZIO PAF PRO, ils sont les classiques de la marque... on les trouve sur les Satriani/paul GILBERT/ sambora..... et bien d'autres... micros ultra réputé en grave son chaud et rond à souhait !! et en aigu assez mordant pour envoyer du sérieux !!
mais la force de cette Steve Vai !! c'est le micro simple.. qui permet un choix de son très varié ; funk; reggae; POP; enfin tout y passe !! excellent c'est un instrument professionnel tout terrain; scène /studio...
Je la possède depuis 12 ans, après l'essai avec des modèles récent de l'époque (2002) et de maintenant ... franchement la qualité de cette steve vai de 1989 est juste exceptionnelle...c'est un véritable instrument professionnel !!! avec la qualité d' IBANEZ de cette époque...
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Tourbillon fou que tout le monde semble aimer
Publié le 08/07/11 à 05:30
Steve Vai single handedly popularized the famous swirl, and this was one of the guitars that helped make that happen. The guitar has a basswood body with a maple neck, rosewood fretboard with 24 frets, special vine inlay, unique handle carved out in it, an Ibanez Lo Pro Edge tremolo, last few frets scalloped, HSH configuration, all access neck joint, one volume, one tone and a five way switch.
The swirl on this is really to die for. The one I'm using isn't the one in the picture, and I'm not sure why that picture is even in there in the first place. Regardless, the swirl looked awesome and really popped. The fretwork on this model was top notch, too. I was able to achieve nice, low action on this. The neck itself is a bit thicker than a normal Wizard, and I'm sure a lot of those who have issues with the normal necks will enjoy that. The inlay work was nicely done, and there weren't a lot of heavy fillers going on.
This guitar had some Breeds installed in it. The Breed bridge sounded nice and fat. I find that these work awesome for basswood. In fact, I have the Breeds in my own personal RG550. They're like very hot, powerful and middy PAFs. The Breed neck had some bite to it, and it helped it cut. However, it wasn't so bitey that you couldn't get a nice lead tone. They also split very nicely with the middle pickup. I was able to get those stratty sounds without any issues at all.
This guitar is one of the coolest, and it's also what helped revolutionize the entire swirl art form that so many people try to copy these days. They're generally high quality guitars that sound very resonant and already have good quality pickups installed in them. One thing to look out for are neck joint gaps and neck joint angles to achieve a nice pull up. Aside from that, they're pretty high quality.
The swirl on this is really to die for. The one I'm using isn't the one in the picture, and I'm not sure why that picture is even in there in the first place. Regardless, the swirl looked awesome and really popped. The fretwork on this model was top notch, too. I was able to achieve nice, low action on this. The neck itself is a bit thicker than a normal Wizard, and I'm sure a lot of those who have issues with the normal necks will enjoy that. The inlay work was nicely done, and there weren't a lot of heavy fillers going on.
This guitar had some Breeds installed in it. The Breed bridge sounded nice and fat. I find that these work awesome for basswood. In fact, I have the Breeds in my own personal RG550. They're like very hot, powerful and middy PAFs. The Breed neck had some bite to it, and it helped it cut. However, it wasn't so bitey that you couldn't get a nice lead tone. They also split very nicely with the middle pickup. I was able to get those stratty sounds without any issues at all.
This guitar is one of the coolest, and it's also what helped revolutionize the entire swirl art form that so many people try to copy these days. They're generally high quality guitars that sound very resonant and already have good quality pickups installed in them. One thing to look out for are neck joint gaps and neck joint angles to achieve a nice pull up. Aside from that, they're pretty high quality.

Une de mes préférées JEMS
Publié le 01/10/11 à 22:16
This is probably one of my favorite JEMs ever made. It is very similar to the RG550 that they used to release but with a few minor changes. Aside from that, in all honesty, it's pretty much the same. However, these get big bucks when compared to the original RGs back in the day. The guitar features a basswood body, a maple neck with a maple fretboard, 24 jumbo frets, unique triangle inlays, an Edge tremolo, unique handle cutout, HSH configuration, one volume, one tone and a five way switch.
The guitar had some wear on it, but considering this guitar is going on over 30 years old, it's not too bad. The frets were recently leveled, and although they were getting a little low, they still felt nice. The ends were perfectly beveled, and I could get some insane action on this thing without fretting out. The neck joint on this was the old school one, and it had some of those finish cracks that everyone seems to experience. However, it didn't have any huge neck gaps, so no issue there. The maple fretboard was getting dirty, and it looked absolutely amazing. I love the look of worn maple, so I was really bonding with this.
The guitar had two PAF Pros in it with an HS3 in the middle. The PAF Pro in the bridge is very nice. It's open and sounds great through most any rig out there. It's a touch too open at times, though. When I start playing metal, it gets to be a bit vintage-esque sounding. That can be a good thing or bad thing, depending on what you're going for. The middle HS3 worked nicely when it came to splitting with the neck/bridge, and I got some good clean tones with it. The PAF Pro in the neck was where everything really came together. It was clear, smooth and open sounding. It worked awesome for leads, and I'd rate it up there as one of the top five DiMarzio lead pickups.
The guitar is great, but expect to pay a pretty penny for one of these. If you can do without the fancy inlays, you might be better off customizing a standard RG550. However, the hardcore collectors out there will want to have the original, and this is what helped start the whole RG craze back in the 80s. Awesome guitars, and if you can afford one, go for it.
The guitar had some wear on it, but considering this guitar is going on over 30 years old, it's not too bad. The frets were recently leveled, and although they were getting a little low, they still felt nice. The ends were perfectly beveled, and I could get some insane action on this thing without fretting out. The neck joint on this was the old school one, and it had some of those finish cracks that everyone seems to experience. However, it didn't have any huge neck gaps, so no issue there. The maple fretboard was getting dirty, and it looked absolutely amazing. I love the look of worn maple, so I was really bonding with this.
The guitar had two PAF Pros in it with an HS3 in the middle. The PAF Pro in the bridge is very nice. It's open and sounds great through most any rig out there. It's a touch too open at times, though. When I start playing metal, it gets to be a bit vintage-esque sounding. That can be a good thing or bad thing, depending on what you're going for. The middle HS3 worked nicely when it came to splitting with the neck/bridge, and I got some good clean tones with it. The PAF Pro in the neck was where everything really came together. It was clear, smooth and open sounding. It worked awesome for leads, and I'd rate it up there as one of the top five DiMarzio lead pickups.
The guitar is great, but expect to pay a pretty penny for one of these. If you can do without the fancy inlays, you might be better off customizing a standard RG550. However, the hardcore collectors out there will want to have the original, and this is what helped start the whole RG craze back in the 80s. Awesome guitars, and if you can afford one, go for it.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Ibanez
- Modèle : JEM777 [1987-1996]
- Série : Steve Vai
- Catégorie : Guitares de forme SC
- Fiche créée le : 01/12/2011
La JEM777 est une signature Steve Vai faite au Japon. C'est la 1ère JEM de la série ! Elle a été produite de 1987 à 1996.
Body & Neck
- Body material: American basswood
- Colors:
- Desert Sun Yellow (DY) [1987-1996]
- Loch Ness Green (LG) [1987]
- Shocking Pink (SK) [1987-1989]
- Neck joint: Cutaway Heel
- Neck type: JEM
- Neck material: 1-piece maple
- Fingerboard: Maple
- Number of Frets: 24 (21-24 scalloped)
- Fret Size: 6100 (Jim Dunlop)
- Inlays: 3-color disappearing pyramid
- Bridge:
- 1987-1990: Edge tremolo
- 1991-1996: Lo-Pro Edge tremolo
- Hardware Color: Cosmo black
- Pickguard: Black
- Nut: Top-Lok III
- Machine Heads: Gotoh SG38
- Controls: Master Volume, Master Tone, 5-way lever switch
- Pickups:
- Bridge: DiMarzio PAF Pro
- Middle: DiMarzio JEM Single
- Neck: DiMarzio PAF Pro
Source :
Distribué par Hoshino Europe B.V.
Autres guitares de forme SC Ibanez
Autres catégories dans Guitares électriques Solid Body
Autres dénominations : jem777 1987 1996, jem77719871996, jem 777 1987 1996, jem 777