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Wampler Pedals Plexidrive

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Cible : Tout public Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
Avis des utilisateurs
  • mic78mic78

    Excellente pédale

    Wampler Pedals PlexidrivePublié le 09/01/15 à 16:01
    J'utilise cette pédale avec toutes mes guitares, aussi simple que double bobinage. Pour jouer du pop/rock parfois un peu nerveux.

    C'est une super pédale, très facile à régler, on obtient tout de suite un son excellent, saturation chaleureuse, calquée sur le son d'un JTM 45.

    Utilisée sur un Marshall ou un Fender, c'est une super pédale.

  • ericthegreatericthegreat

    bon marché, mais sonne bien

    Wampler Pedals PlexidrivePublié le 26/10/11 à 07:03
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    I have used the Wampler Plexidrive pedal several times over the last few years, they pedal itself has been out for quit some time now. When I heard this pedal for the first time it simply astonished me to the highest degree due to its so smooth, screaming and unbelievable sustaining sound. I use it at various settings and it gives you a perfect sound whether it is hard rock or soft distortion situation it handles all of them so well. As now I am no more a teenager so I now mostly sets its Drive at 3 & Tone at 10 O'clock and it produces mellow and soft distortion for chords and solo work as well. I also have Boss Heavy Metal and Ibanez Sonic distortion pedals but I love this pedal a lot and I always feel comfortable with it because its sound variety & quality is simply the best.


    The current draw of this particular pedal is very nominal so no worries if you are using battery it would last quite long. As far as durability is concerned believe me I have no words to describe it as it never caused me any trouble for the last two decades. I recommend everyone to check out this pedal and I hope it won't disappoint you.


    This pedal is just about everything a beginner needs in an overdrive pedal. It can go from a mild overdrive to fuzz with the twist of a knob. My only complaint is that if you turn up the distortion high, there is a lot of hissing, but if you have a filter pedal that shouldn't be a problem. Its built pretty well too, this thing can take some serious stomp action and hold up just fine.


    The price now is pretty cheap too since it’s the older model from Wampler , but if you want something a little more upgraded and up to date, check out the other pedals by Wampler Plexidrive they have a whole selection of great pedals to choose from. Great sound, Great quality .