Annonces Korde Sequencer
Alerte nouvelle annonceForums Lectric Panda Korde Sequencer
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Lectric Panda
- Modèle : Korde Sequencer
- Catégorie : Autres séquenceurs logiciels
- Fiche créée le : 27/05/2016
Hybrid 8 voice arpeggiator and sequencer Rack Extension for Reason
- Classic Matrix style step editor
- Selectable Octave per step
Notes assigned to grid as its played like an instrument
8 independent voices
8 patterns per voice
Each pattern has independent parameters
- Pattern length
- Key grid
- Rate divider
- Step direction
- Velocity Curve
- Gate length
- Auxiliary CV1 and CV2 Curve
- Unipolar and Bipolar output
- Quick Pattern Editing Features
- Operate on the keys, curve, or both
- Shifting Up, Down, Left, Right
- Random and Alter features
- Copy and Paste keys, curves, or patterns
- Sync and Rate Selection
- Free running
- Tempo synced to first note down
- Transport hard sync.
Global tune -24/24 semitones
Global note grid selection
- Lowest
- Highest
- First
- Last
- Note repeat feature will fill the unassigned rows with whats played.
- Repeat 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
- Mirror 1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2
- CV input modulation per voice
- Current Step position
- Gate length
- Velocity
Autres catégories dans Séquenceurs logiciels & STAN
Autres dénominations : kordesequencer