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Daking FET III
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Daking FET III

Compresseur de studio de la marque Daking

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Daking Audio FET III Compressor à vendre

Comme neuf  |  Complet
1 500 €
Paris 17, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 5 heures - Expire dans 91 jours - 15 vues
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Charte Conseils


Daking Audio FET III Compressor à vendre

Description :

The Daking FET III is a dual channel compressor from Geoff Daking, built in the US with the same audio path and detector circuits as the now discontinued single channel Daking FET II limiter. The FET III compressor circuitry and gain stages are all discrete and fully Class “A” with sound quality that will be at the very top of the scale. Our previous single channel FET II was known for its speed, high performance and its unique ability to sound great on an extraordinary variety of sources. The FET III will equal this benchmark plus add several unique features to improve user control. The differences are as follows:

New variable High Pass Filters from 0 to 200Hz are added to the detector stage of each limiter channel to improve and customize limiter behavior. The HPF’s tell the limiter NOT to trigger limiting based on content below the set HPF frequency. This is extremely helpful on bass heavy material. This greatly widens the units potential application set and the ability of the user to set this new behavior “on the fly”.

Variable linking between channels is envisioned for use when compressing two different tracks, such as bass and kick, to tie limiter action together to greater or lesser degrees. The Stereo Link is continuously variable from 0 to ?.

All controls except “Ratio” are pots. The new variable pots add the ability to fine tune behaviors in the studio.

The FET II’s relied on control voltage summing for the stereo linking. Because the FET III is two independent units in one box, it uses audio summing, which is much more accurate.

The Daking FET III uses THAT CORP differential amps in and out (electronically balanced). The FET II had transformers in and out but they are 1:1 input to output so they do not “color” the sound. (A mic input transformer at 1:10 ratio in a mic pre would color the sound significantly.) The common mode rejection in FET III is equal to that of FET II. The FET III output level is +24 while the FET II can be as high as +30.

The FET III uses an outboard power supply.

The unit is fully RoHs compliant.
Paris 17, Ile-de-France
Paris 17, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 5 heures - Expire dans 91 jours - 15 vues
Livraison possible
  • Vendeur particulier
  • 8 annonces
48h délai réponse
72.73% taux réponse
20 ans sur AF
Achat sécurisé
pour 29,50 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 391,48 €
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