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Guitares No Name
Effets guitare No Name

Solarist V2 Fuzz Pedal (fuzz face et Rangemaster)

Comme neuf  |  Complet  |  Première main  |  Avec facture
350 €
Paris 13, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 21 jours - Expire dans 69 jours - 12 vues
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Je vends cette fantastique pédale de Fuzz (fabriquée à la main) achetée en juillet dernier (2024).
Elle n'est jamais sortie de la maison et n'a aucune trace d'usure.
Matériel complet avec la facture, la boite, les protections et le mode d'emploi

Je me sépare de plusieurs pédales d'effets.

The Swiss Army Fuzz Face and Rangemaster combo.

For the discerning Fuzz Face and Rangemaster player looking for a wide variety of sweet sounds at your feet. For the fuzz, toggle between a pair of germanium GT404B (BART) transistors, a pair of NTE123 silicon transistors, or a mix of both. For the Rangemaster boost, toggle between a germanium 2N1308 transistor or a silicon BC108B.

Why 3 Footswitches? Right is ‘Fuzz’, left is ‘Boost’ (Rangemaster treble booster). The A/B footswitch in the middle brings versatility to a new level. It toggles between 2 sets of “Input” and “Bias” knobs, so you can create 2 sounds which are wildly different, and toggle between them.

The Input knobs (also called “cleanup”) mimic the effect of turning down your guitar's volume knob - ie. the Fuzz Face cleans up when turned down).

The Bias knobs change the character and texture of the fuzz. With so many possibilities: glassy cleans, gritty overdrives, huge fuzz sounds, glitchy gated sounds…and on and on…you’ll be glad you don’t only have to choose one.

One way to look at it is this: you’ll have a 5 stage drive/fuzz at your feet (Rangemaster [RM]; Yellow Fuzz; Red Fuzz; Yellow Fuzz + RM and Red Fuzz + RM).

Bass/EQ controls: The bass knob is an input capacitor blend, a versatile EQ control. The "Range" switch for the Rangemaster (RNG) toggles between 3 modes, original (trebly), mid range and full range/bassy. You can also have different EQ settings for each (A/B) mode, with the switch on the back - it makes the B (yellow) mode use a fixed input capacitor independent of the bass knob. More EQ adjustability via internal trim pots.

The Pickup Simulator allows you to place this pedal anywhere in your signal chain without affecting the sound.

Quality components: Hammond Enclosure, soft click footswitches, Lumberg jacks, WIMA caps and rare NOS transistors.

This is a one of a kind fuzz I built by hand…the result of years of tinkering and delving too deeply into Fuzz Face lore.

Paris 13, Ile-de-France
Paris 13, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 21 jours - Expire dans 69 jours - 12 vues
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  • Vendeur particulier
  • 12 annonces
< 10h délai réponse
100.00% taux réponse
8 ans sur AF
Achat sécurisé
pour 7,08 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 91,56 €