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< Tous les avis Boss GE-6 Graphic Equalizer
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Boss GE-6 Graphic Equalizer
Boss GE-6 Graphic Equalizer
iamqman iamqman

« One of the First »

Publié le 20/07/11 à 00:48
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Boss made these pedals back in the late 70's. These were great pedals for adding the right or missing frequencies to your guitar tone. Unlike the MXR Eq pedals this one has the middle position at the 800 hz where as the Mxr would have their middle position at 1 K.

The GE-6 has 6 bands with frequencies 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 Hz. The 800 is better for being in the middle because that is where the major changes of a guitar's tone will take place in this range. This pedal can either cut 15db of volume or it can add 15 db of volume to your tone. It will add some distortion if you run it in the front of an overdriven amp.



Controls: 6 Band Graphic Equalizer
Connectors: Input, Output, AC Adaptor
Current Draw: 7 mA (DC 9V)
Equalizer: 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 400 Hz, 800 Hz, 1.6 kHz, 3.2 kHz
Recommended AC Adaptor: ACA Series


These pedals are great for getting your guitar tone to exactly what you want to ehar. SO many amps will favor or be missing certain frequencies but you like the voicing. This is where this pedal will get you the right highs, midrange, or low end and be able to run into with your favorite voiced amplifier.

The pedals were great in the 80's for guys who wanted to boost the midrange of their amps. Most metal or rock guitarist during this era would boost their amps mostly in the 800 hz level so they could get that tone they were looking for back in those day. Many guitarist used the Furman PQ3 which was a great pedal for this type of setting and it was an interesting circuit that makes a lot of noise as well. This peal is a floor unit and will be able to boost basically in the same way that the Furman would have been able to do. This is a muc smaller and not as versatile but he 800 hz is there and the most important frequency gauge anyway.


These were manufactured up until 1981. You can still find them on the used market pretty easily. I have seen the for right around $100, which isn't a bad pickup for that price. this is a great pedal to boost the best frequencies and take out the ones you don't like. a great pedal and must for many guitarists out there.