17 vidéos
Höfner Club Bass Ignition Se Acoustique / Unplu…
Nemo Verne Cleptrude veut danser
Hofner 173 Germany 1964 | Guitarbank
Höfner 500/1 64 Reissue - Demo
[Cover] - Jan Akkerman (Focus) - Le Clochard
Hofner Galaxie 1963 played live in 2016. Guitar F…
An Old Hofner 176 On The Bench At Dylanpickups
Hofner 176 Galaxy 1968 demo
Höfner Shorty Bass
Höfner 500/1 64 Reissue - Demo
1963 Hofner Beatle Bass 500/1 Plays Mccartney By …
1960 Hofner Colorama Ii & 1965 Airline Tremolo-Re…
Guitare Liège - Shorty Hofner - Impro Blues
Höfner Shorty en son clair
The shorty can rock
Review : Höfner Fuzz pedal
1966 Hofner Galaxie (presented by guitarsagogo.bl…

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