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Terratec Producer Phase 26 Usb
Terratec Producer Phase 26 Usb

Interface audio USB de la marque Terratec Producer

Probleme ASIO 2

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Sujet de la discussion Probleme ASIO 2
Bonjour tout le monde ! voila j'ais un ptit souci pas tres grave vu que j'utilise ASIO4ALL , mais j'aimerais bien savoir pourquoi sa me fait sa .................................................
alor voila , quand je met la carte en mode ASIO , et bah ma carte n'aparait plus dans le panneau de config windows , bref , j'ais tout simplement l'impression que windows ne la reconnait pas quand elle est en ASIO !!! c' est louche tout sa ??!! ?. qu'est ce que vous en pensez !
?? :???:

merci d'avance pour votre colaboration !! :mdr: :mdr:
Pourquoi t'utilises pas le driver asio de terratec ?
Bah tout simplement parceque j'ais l'impression que windows ne la reconnais pas avec les driver terratec

elle n'aparait plus sur le panneau de config du sons et périphérique audio !
Oula !

Non mais man si t'as un systeme clean, t'install les derniers drivers terratec et ça roule !
Bah pas je sais , sa roule avec la version precedente mais avec la derniere version terratec sa foire !!
et je l'ais testé juste apres une reinstall de windows avec formatage ,,, sa me fait la meme !
Ben remet l'ancienne version
Ouai mai avec la l'ancienne version , y a un otre probleme si jme souvien bien ! le control panel de la carte foire , et je n'ais pas acces a la partie asio lol

sa fai pété les plomb !! lol

merci asio4all!
Ca c'est sur que terratec et les drivers...

Envoies leur un mail tu verras bien
Ouai c'est vrai que je n'y avait pas encore pensé ! bah je crois que je vais me tourné vers cette soluce ! merci de ton aide !!! :mdr:

Désolé de pas avoir pu plus t'aider mais pour avoir une terratec (ews88mt) je connais le serieux de leurs drivers, alors remue les un peu.

Tiens juste pour le fun :

Citation : /*=============================================================================
FILE: History.txt
DESCRIPTION: PHASE 88, EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96 and DMX6fire Driver History (WDM)
DATE: 13-Januarey-2004
COPYRIGHT: (c) 2000-2004, TerraTec Electronic GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
=============================================================================*/ -> Productversion 5.43
Bugfix: Direct Monitoring for PHASE 88
Bugfix: +4dBU/-10dBU Switch without function for PHASE 88 -> Productversion 5.42
Bugfix: Codecs of PHASE 88 Rack where not initialized in cascaded mode
Update: Some cosmetic changes for PHASE 88 Rack in ControlPanel -> Productversion 5.40
New: Minor PHASE 88 adaptions
New: New convention for Software-versionsnumbers

5.0.2000 Build 129
New: First PHASE 88 adaption
Bugfix: On some systems ASIO couldn't be opened in Master/Slave mode
Bugfix: Latency adjustment for ASIO wasn't correct
Bugfix: Digital-In was muted after startup
Bugfix: GSIF-Buffersize wasn't stored persistent
Bugfix: DMX6fire: SampleRate-locked wasn't stored persistent
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Voice over IP didn't work
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Updated Mixer-Topology since some Apps couldn't open Mixer-API
Update: DMX6fire: New Sensaura Library (fixes some game issues)

5.0.2000 Build 128
New: VST - Systemlink Support
New: Lowest possible ASIO - Buffersize (64 Samples)
Bugfix: ASIO driver release when ASIO application lose focus.

5.0.2000 Build 127
New: Final Mic2/8 adjustments
Bugfix: Master/Slave detection didn'q work properly when Master was
not the first or second card

5.0.2000 Build 126
New: Further Mic2/8 adjustments
New: "Samplerate locked" option for DMX6fire and EWX
Bugfix: last Sample on DigitalOut was remaining
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Digital In for DXR didn't work correctly
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Improved firmware upload for MWPC
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Controlpanel crahses under Win98SE
Bugfix: EWS88MT/D only 4 MME Wave devices could be opened simultaneous

5.0.2000 Build 125
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Digital In for DXF didn't work correctly
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Initialization on P4, > 2.2Ghz failed
Bugfix: Improved ASIO Record performance

5.0.2000 Build 124
New: DMX6fire <-> EWS88MT or EWX2496 can be used parallel
New: ASIO Direct-Monitoring can be enabled/disabled in Context menu
Bugfix: EWS88MT/D Calibration for Mastercard pops up Errormessage
Bugfix: Syncronisation of 4 EWS Connect cards failed
Bugfix: DMX6fire: No Digital-Out for MWPC

5.0.2000 Build 123
New: DMX6fire: Source - Positioning
Bugfix: Pitch Problem with several Mediaplayers
Bugfix: Some minor Bugfixes

5.0.2000 Build 121
New: GSIF Multiclient Interface

5.0.2000 Build 120
Bugfix: Improved external Samplerate detection
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Gamevoice was playing too slow
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Samplerate for Sensauramode was not fix
(e.g. Startsound was playing too fast/slow)

New: DMX6fire: Extension MXR included

5.0.2000 Build 119
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Wrong Saplerate when Sensaura was activated and Media-Player restarted
Bugfix: DMX6fire: ASIO Samplerate each time was set to 22Khz when Cubase
releases ASIO and reopens it
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Speakermode always was set to 5.1 after reboot
Bugfix: Multiple Card Crash (EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96)

New: DMX6fire: Stereo-Link as default
New: DMX6fire: MWPC & DX - Extensions included

5.0.2000 Build 118
New: Mic 2/8 Extensions

5.0.2000 Build 117
Bugfix: DMX6fire: Loop-Play when Media-Player was set to Pause
New: DMX6fire: MWPC Interface

5.0.2000 Build 116
Bugfix: Dropouts in Sonar (Record) on Pentium 4 Systems (EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96)
Bugfix: Crash on some DUAL-Processor Systems (EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96)
Bugfix: External Samplerate-Detection on some DUAL-Processor Systems
Bugfix: Master/Slave Detection on some DUAL-Processor Systems (EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96)
Bugfix: Reset Default-Samplerate
Bugfix: Mono - Record (EWS88 MT/D, EWX 24/96)

5.0.2000 Build 114 - 115
New: DMX6fire Implementation

5.0.2000 Build 113
Optimized: Improved Direct Monitoring in Sonar (lower Latency possible)
Bugfix: INF file now completely removes VxD and NT driver files
when updating to WDM.
Bugfix: No ASIO Install for EWS 88 D
Bugfix: Again: not all Mixersettings were stored in registry (e.g.

5.0.2000 Build 112
Note: We increased the build no. to 112 to get aligned to the
VXD-Driver Build Version
New: Codec - Reset for 88MT System-Out

Bugfix: Multitrack Mode didn't work correctly
Bugfix: Source-Selection for Digital-Out wasn't restored from registry
Bugfix: Independent-Mode selection had to be clicked several times before
it has been activated

5.0.2000 Build 23
New: Support for EWS 88 D
New: Improved WDM Kernel streaming (4ms in Sonar & 24Bit)
New: DMA buffer size selection for EWX

Bugfix: Not all Mixersettings were stored in registry
Bugfix: Sometimes loud noises when playing system sounds
Bugfix: Sometimes a bugcheck apears in W2K when opening a device

5.0.2000 Build 22
Bugfix: Dropouts in Startsound
Bugfix: Order of devices for EWX (first device gets DSound Interface -> AnalogOut)
Bugfix: Sometimes driver hang in an endless loop
Bugfix: Disable/Enable device in W2K did crash
Bugfix: Missing SPIDF - Record device for EWX

5.0.2000 Build 21
New: Support for non PCM (e.g. AC3) streams in S/PDIF device

Bugfix: System Out didn't work on some systems
Bugfix: ASIO Record was not in sync with ASIO play (two buffers delay)

5.0.2000 Build 20
New: Card reservation for ASIO
New: INF file: added deletion of old NT40 driver files

Bugfix: Starting Playback/record always reset the clock source to internal
Bugfix: Changing volume in ControlPanel in idle state
caused WavePlay Mixer channels to be muted

Bugfix: ASIO files were not correctly installed under Win2K
due to an error in the INF file

Bugfix: ASIO changed panning of EWX 24/96
Bugfix: Mixed Setup (EWS88 & EWX24/96) doesn't crash anymore
Bugfix: Several changes to INF file for different card types

5.0.2000 Build 19

New: EWX 24/96 Support
New: ASIO 2.0 Direct Monitoring
New: Multiple card for ASIO

Bugfix: EWX 24/96 DigMixer Record now working
Bugfix: EWX 24/96 Midi device