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Sujet C'est affreux !

  • 24 réponses
  • 9 participants
  • 454 vues
  • 1 follower
Sujet de la discussion C'est affreux !
Ca me fait carrément pas marrer leur délire. :|
Y'a des baffes qui se perdent, sans déconner vaut mieux pas que j'en ai un devant moi sinon il se prend 95 kilos de barbaque dans a gueule.



Paraîtrait que ce serait un gros canular qui a pris des proportions énormes, y'a le FBI dessus :??:
Tu m'étonnes :eek2:

ce truc là en Angleterre ça ferait un énorme scandale, à côté les ragots sur la famille royale ce serait de la rigolade...

Brigitte :pleure: :pleure:
Et en plus je fais parti du CCC :nawak:
Bonsai kittens are not real. Nobody is making bonsai kittens. Nobody is selling equipment to help people make bonsai kittens. The Bonsai Kitten web site is a joke, not an actual promotion for the making of bonsai kittens. Investigations by law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, have already determined no real cats were harmed in the creation of the pictures used on the Bonsai Kitten web site. Signing a petition to shut down the Bonsai Kitten web site will not prevent any kittens from being harmed, because no kittens were harmed in the first place.

It was all a joke, one which some say was in terribly poor taste. If that was your reaction, take comfort in the knowledge that many others thought the same.

How could you have known the Bonsai Kitten site was a satire despite its lack of "This is a joke!" banners emblazoned across it? Satire doesn't always announce itself as such (some feel that would ruin its humor), so in cases like this, one dusts off the common sense and aims it at the problem:

The process described is impossible -- animals so treated would die long before they could be "molded."

The web site offers no way to purchase the materials advertised -- a real commercial enterprise wouldn't build consumer interest through a flashy web site then fail to offer anything for sale.

"Bonsai Kitten" displays no actual pictures of the finished product -- there are no molded kittens on display.
De toutes facons, les chats, ce sont vraiment des branleurs ... Alors ! :bravo:
Vrai ou pas vrai ?