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Potard et micro double

  • 8 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Potard et micro double
Apparement les Micros doubles sont utilisés avec des potards de 500KOhm
et les simples avec du 250KOhm.

j'ai trouvé ceci sur le site duncan à propos du JB.

Citation : Some players use it with 250K pots to smooth out the highs.

quelle influence il y a sur le son quand on met un potard de 250 avec un double bobinage.
le son est plus rond, plus soft ?
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Effectivement, les potards 500 KOhms sont utilisés sur les doubles pour retrouver de la brillance et de la clarté.
Donc, comme tu l'as bien dit, en utilisant des 250 Kohms tu lisses les aigus.

Si habituellement on met des 250 avec des simples et des 500 avec des doubles, ilIl n'y aurait pas pour autant d'incompatibilité entre les 500 et les simples et les 250 et les doubles. Question de rendu sonore et de goûts, simplement.
Pour ne pas qu'on me dise que j'invente et que ceux qui apprécient un discours plus technique soient comblés ;) :

Citation : Why do Fenders have 250k pots while Gibsons have 500k?
Pickups have 2 loads - volume pot resistance and guitar cable capacitance. The volume pot forms a Low Pass Filter (LPF) with the pickup inductance and the cable sets the resonant frequency (Rz) of the pickup. The LPF formula is freq=R/2piL 1. for Fender Strat R=250K L=2.4Henrys Rz=16.57KHz 2. for Gibson P-90 R=500K L= 5.7Henrys Rz=13.95KHz It can be seen that both pickups start to roll off highs at the upper limit of our hearing at about 14Khz. Given the frequency response of the average amp and speaker this won't be heard! Now let's connect a 250k pot to our P90 pickup to see the effect of pot load- R=250K L=5.7Henrys Rz=6.98KHz!!!!! An Rz of 7Khz would definitely be heard as a loss of brightness compared to the Rz with 500K! See also Tone Workshop >Perfect Guitar >Pot values

Answer supplied courtesy of Colin Bloxsom, Guitar Tek/Fx designer-Sydney, Australia.

Citation : Pot values: Ever heard the old guitarist proverb..."if it ain't got it in the first place you can't boost it later"?
Forenote: 'A' curve pots are Audio taper (or Log curve) which means they operate in a such a manner as to be in unison with the way the human ear detects changes in loudness. The great majority of Guitar Players prefer 'A' curve pots but occasionally one will prefer Linear pots.

Volume pots:
Higher value pots and capacitors cause the pickups to resonate at a higher frequency and develop more output and presence with the result that the sound is noticeably brighter. Lower value pots and capacitors have the opposite effect and push the sound towards the duller end of the spectrum with lower output. Knowing this is helpful if you want to experiment with pot and capacitor values to change your sound.The value of the Volume pot is crucial to pickup performance. A lot of pots, although labelled as 250K, actually measure much less (Eg 217K, and recently I measured 3 new Fender CTS pots at 117K) but very ocasionally they measure more (Eg 265K). Players should understand that a great pickup can be muffled by a pot that measures low, causing a muddy sound. The first thing that suffers is the AIR and Presence of a pickup. Since these are two of the most important performance aspects of Fender pickup sound it's actually a minor tragedy when these are sacrificed.


Citation : Control Values
Should I use 250K or 500K controls?

Regardless of what type of pickups are in your guitar, higher potentiometer resistance values produce a little more power and treble response. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is a matter of individual taste. In the early days, Gibson used 500K controls and Fender used 250K, thereby starting the single-coil = 250K, humbucker = 500K theory. Even though neither company has stuck strictly with this formula since then, the theory lives on. You won’t damage your pickups or your amp by mixing and matching different value controls, and one of our current favorites is a 250K volume control and a 1 Megohm tone control, EP1202.

Merci Xochitl! :D:

donc au final si on veut enlever un peu d'aigus criard, on met un 250KOhm en tone ou volume ?

on peut modifier les 2 mais je comprend pas trop la différence si on met du 250 en tone ou en volume (au lieu des 500 d'origine)
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Pour ce qui est du Tone, je comprends la même chose que toi.

Pour le volume, ça risque d'être moins intéressant. En fait, c'est toujours la même chose "des goûts et des couleurs".
Si tu ne mets pas la "bonne" valeur en Volume, tu vas changer la tonalité de ton son en faisant varier le volume. Pour corriger ça, il est possible de mettre une résistance (capacitor?) sur le potard de volume. Je retrouve cette info et je te la poste ici.

Citation : VOLUME Control control: (Treble Bypass filter -or- treble bleed filter)
I get asked a lot about how to stop losing treble/presence when the volume is turned down. Kinman AVn pickups don't suffer from this phenomena to the same degree as regular single coils, in fact many Kinman owners tell me they noticed the problem disappear when they fitted their Kinman's. This device, when used with Kinman noiseless pickups, actually increases the brightness slightly as the volume pot is wound down, making it great for volume reduced rhythm chops. When used with regular non-noiseless single coils it attempts to preserve the amount of brightness as the volume pot is wound down.But if you have this problem and want to reduce it I devised a little circuit that helps. It is simply a .0012uF (1.2nF) 630* volt Polyester capacitor in series with a 130K Ohm resistor (1/4 watt) that is wired across the two hot terminals of the volume pot (*any voltage cap will work fine but 630 volt caps have thick wires that are easy to work with. In the diagram it says 63 volt, it should be 630 volts). A rudimentary way of looking at it is the cap allows some of the high frequencies to pass around the volume pot direct to the output and the resistor limits the amount of them that get past. The capacitance can be varied slightly from .001 to .0016 to fine tune the circuit to your cable, but you will have to increase the resistor value with the larger cap values and decrease the resistor value with the smaller cap values or else you will notice the curve of the pot starts to become noticeably different with the larger cap values. It's a delicate balance so deviating from the nominated values may excessively flatten the operating curve of the pot unless you compensate with the resistor value. Read more technical guff about this on the FAQ page Q24. Rule of thumb is the *amount* of brightness that is gained is determined by the resistor's value (less Ohms = more brights) but the frequencies that are present is determined by the Cap value (lower the value the higher the frequencies, the higher the value the lower the frequencies).

By the way, this design works better than a 'capacitor' only -or- the parallel 'resistor/capacitor' design that some makers fit to their guitars, so if you didn't like theirs try this one. These circuits, including mine, are quite crude and won't suit all conditions. They leave very little latitude in deviating from the nominated cap value. You will have to experiment to arrive at the perfect value for your cable. To save time in experimenting you can run some wires out from the volume pot under the edge of the pickguard then you can connect various value caps and resistors to the ends of those wires in a matter of seconds. When you get the right combination they can be soldered to the pot terminals.

Je te laisse te débrouiller dans cette jungle. Je te prévien toutefois que si le site de Kinman est très intéressant, il est également très orienté vers le son des simples type Fender. Qui est plus est le monsieur, homme de convictions est très péremptoire.

Je me rends compte également que tu y trouveras beaucoup de réponses à tes questions. Je vais donc arrêter de recopier le site de Kinman sur AF. :oops: Fais-y un tour et amuse toi! :clin:
Heu wé jvai vachement m'amuser jle sens avec tout cet anglais :??:
mais ce sera très instructif!
merci pour les infos Xochitl!!
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Une bonne âme pour trouver ces infos en français? :mdr: