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Pittsburgh Modular VC Bend
Petite annonce
Pittsburgh Modular VC Bend

Pittsburg Modular VC Bend rare, décrit parfois comme "ouverture" du son, mais aussi très précis

Comme neuf  |  Complet  |  Première main
120 €
180 €
Baisse de prix de 33%
St Etienne, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 9 jours - Expire dans 81 jours - 388 vues
Livraison possible
Charte Conseils


Rare module en très bon état, mind mais sans sa boite.

"The VC Bend is designed as a way to create less than certain variations from pre-determined control voltages, like transposing / inverting a bassline into a melody or creating a 3rd envelope from 2 sources. Used at audio rate, it acts like a voltage controlled full wave rectifier. The VC Bend favours 'esoteric' applications over precision. More often than not the output voltage will not resemble the input. Functionally, the VC Bend sits somewhere between a sample and hold and a quantizer module. However, the type of modulation produced is completely unique to the VC Bend.
The VC Bend takes a bipolar (positive or negative) control voltage input and modulates it by the amount of the CV Input in relation to the Internal Voltage Reference. The output is a voltage which is always above 0V, the direction (moving with or away from the input) of which can be altered with an external voltage."

Envoi, Looper en plus, pas de paypal, virement possible
Plus de photos sur demande.
St Etienne, Rhône-Alpes
St Etienne, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 9 jours - Expire dans 81 jours - 388 vues
Livraison possible
  • Vendeur particulier
  • 8 annonces
< 12h délai réponse
94.80% taux réponse
17 ans sur AF
Achat sécurisé
pour 2,59 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 31,43 €
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