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LofiMind Effects Reverberador
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LofiMind Effects Reverberador

Réverb Guitare de la marque LofiMind Effects

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LofiMind Effects Reverberador

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290 €
Lyon 01, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 2 jours - Expire dans 89 jours - 10 vues
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rayures de chaque côté dues au transport sur un pédalier avec d'autres pédales ( voir photos), mais la pédale fonctionne comme il se doit .

Reveberador is inspired by an old Reverb Mixing console, two years ago I started to investigate more about these consoles and the use that a guitarist could give to this device, I have been modifying the scheme to taste and without haste, to achieve the most real sound and similar to the feeling of playing the electric guitar through these consoles.Inside it has 6 germanium transistors, 2 audio transformers and a real Reverb tank 23CM has 2 footswitches, the one on the right is the Reverb Mode and the one on the left of the Boost.


the Reverberator is a double pedal, on one side the Reverb (right switch) and on the left the boost. the Reverb part is a germanium preamp shaking a reverb tank, with LOUD TONE and MIX controls.

The LOUD goes a little above unity volume, with the Loud at full.
The TONE, is based on the tone control of the 6G15, and basically cuts high frequencies with it at minimum. It has the particularity of letting more Reverb signal through when it is at maximum.
MIX, controls the signal that enters the Reverb tank, with it at minimum what we have is simply the germanium preamp.
on the front of the pedal we have an OUTPUT WET ONLY, which cuts the output of this preamp, to leave only the output of the Reverb tank, having a completely WET signal.

The Boost part is the second preamp, placed AFTER the Reverb.
This boost is well intended, because if we have the OUTPUT WET ONLY switch activated, what we will have is an incredible reverb, with a lot of volume, and that delights any lysergic mind that likes Lo-FI Spaghetti Western.


There is really nothing on the market like the Reverberator, as other spring reverb pedals have their signal processing done by FETS, which I personally love, but they sound cold compared to the saturation offered by germanium transistors.

The Reverberator should be understood as a vintage mixing console (that's where the idea came from of course) it has a deep and bright reverb, which has nothing to do with pedals that boast to say they have a reverb tank, and then it's smaller than a cigarette box, or with imitations with MOSFETS of the 6G15.

It is designed as a PREAMP, to saturate your signal, and above all to be extremely dynamic, and that range is only given by the germanium.
That is to say, even if we have the reverb signal in the MIX quite high, our dynamics and guitar volume will determine how much reverb comes out.

the Reverberator is a double pedal, on one side the Reverb (right switch) and on the left the boost. the Reverb part is a germanium preamp shaking a reverb tank, with LOUD TONE and MIX controls.

The LOUD goes a little above unity volume, with the Loud at full.
The TONE, is based on the tone control of the 6G15, and basically cuts high frequencies with it at minimum. It has the particularity of letting more Reverb signal through when it is at maximum.
MIX, controls the signal that enters the Reverb tank, with it at minimum what we have is simply the germanium preamp.
on the front of the pedal we have an OUTPUT WET ONLY, which cuts the output of this preamp, to leave only the output of the Reverb tank, having a completely WET signal.

The Boost part is the second preamp, placed AFTER the Reverb.
This boost is well intended, because if we have the OUTPUT WET ONLY switch activated, what we will have is an incredible reverb, with a lot of volume, and that delights any lysergic mind that likes spaghetti western.

the Reverberator works 9V.
Please remember that the Reverberator is like an old Fuzz unit, it has 5 Germanium transistors (2x MULLARD OC44, 1X MULLARD OC45/46, 2XMP40A).

As its main component is germanium, as you know it will be somewhat subjected to the temperature of the room, but so far, it has worked for me in cold and hot environments (think that I have been working this device for two years, here in Granada, where temperatures range during the year from 0 degrees C to 40-45º centigrade haha)).

The sound is very bright and the output is very balanced with the overall volume of your signal, it only adds a little bit of volume, as a boost, at the end of the "Loud" path, but if we activate the Boost, we add a strong punch of distortion and volume.

The Boost control is super interactive with your guitar's pickups, i.e., with the volume of your guitar at full volume, you'll get a lot of distortion, but it cleans up a lot by turning that volume down to 7-8. This reverb is a low impedance germanium transistor pedal, so think of it as a kind of super-saturated Rangemaster with reverb, but bright. If you have a dark amp, you'll love this pedal, if it's too bright you'll want to add less rev
Lyon 01, Rhône-Alpes
Lyon 01, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 2 jours - Expire dans 89 jours - 10 vues
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