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Dwarfcraft Devices Dwarfcraft Synth Mangler
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Dwarfcraft Devices Dwarfcraft Synth Mangler

Saturation multiple ou autre saturation pour guitare de la marque Dwarfcraft Devices

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Prix public US : $300 incl. VAT
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Dwarfcraft Devices Dwarfcraft Synth Mangler

Très bon état  |  Pack  |  Première main
160 €
Groslee St Benoit, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 29 heures - Expire dans 89 jours - 12 vues
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Charte Conseils


Pédale dont je me suis pas servi (4h en tout). Saturations multiple.

'The Dwarfcraft Synth Mangler distortion guitar effects pedal boasts a pair of Devi's flagship Soda Meisers with all the trimmings, and of course, its own joystick. The Synth Mangler's joystick controls the intensity of the fuzz. The Soda Meiser can be a meaty rhythm fuzz, but where it excels is the squelching electronic octave up violence, splattery noise, and angry howling oscillation. The closer the joystick is to the Volume knob, the more intense it is. The Noise and Chaos toggle switches bring out additional hisses and brightness for screaming guitar distortion, even in lower-gain settings.'
Groslee St Benoit, Rhône-Alpes
Groslee St Benoit, Rhône-Alpes
Postée il y a 29 heures - Expire dans 89 jours - 12 vues
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  • Vendeur particulier
N.C. délai réponse
89.13% taux réponse
18 ans sur AF
Achat sécurisé
pour 3,37 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 41,90 €
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