44 vidéos
Sonicware elz_1 Play Sound Demo (no talking)
Cydrums | Expressive Drum Synthesizer [Demo Jam]
Cydrums Sound Demo With Mod-Velocity And Mod-Afte…
M-Vave Elemental delay: all 9 modes in 45 sec, fa…
Is lofi house music a thing? My Sonicware Lofi-12…
How To French Touch: Let's Sample, Chop, Filter, …
How To Make An Ambient Soundscape In 7 Steps / 7 …
How To Make An Ambient Soundscape In 7 Steps / 7 …
How To Use Texture Lab Granular Synth For Experim…
Sonicware Liven Ambient Ø Full Tutorial - Soundsc…
Dr. Endo Explores Liven Ambient Ø - #1
Sonicware Liven Ambient Ø
Sonicware Liven Ambient Ø Sound Demo (No Talking)
Daft Punk 101... or 909? Rollin' and Scratchin' q…
Rollin' & Scratchin': Revisiting A Daft Punk Clas…
Recording 8 Chrome Tapes At Double Speed: Type 2 …
Recording 13 Chrome Tapes At 3.75 Ips: Type 2 Cas…
How To Make Ambient Music With Liven Ambient Ø
Liven "Mega Synthesis" (Official Pv)
Lofi-12 Xt Sound Check

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