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Ashdown MiBass 2.0
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Ashdown MiBass 2.0

Tête d'ampli Basse de la marque Ashdown appartenant à la série MiBass

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ECHANGE Ashdown MiBass 2.0 / Tête d'Ampli Basse 600W

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1 €
Ste Genevieve Des Bois, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 42 heures - Expire dans 90 jours - 7 vues
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Charte Conseils


Contrôlée minutieusement par notre technicien, cette tête est neuve.
Carton et accessoires d’origine inclus.


Today’s bass players often need to travel light. So when it’s not practical to carry your ABM and an 8x10” cabinet we still want to make sure you have great Ashdown tone in your arsenal.
Small enough to fit in your gig bag pocket but delivering punchy gig-volume tone, MiBass 2.0 is loaded with essential features that means you’ve got your hotel practice amp, recording amp and gigging amp all in a single box.
With a 640W peak (400W RMS) power section, MiBass puts out real power, with a fat low-end that puts other lightweight amp contenders to shame across its volume range. If compact power is your aim – you’ve found it… in spades.
MiBass distills our acclaimed musical EQ into a classic 3-band tone-shaping section with wide ranging Bass, Middle and Treble controls. Paired with a variable Gain control to take your tone from warm and clean to full-tilt overdrive it’s the simplest path to great bass tone for live or recording work.
While MiBass delivers great sound at true gig-volumes, we know that a compact ’go-to’ rig also needs to cover all playing scenarios, so you’ll find a headphone socket for late night practise, Line In for jamming with CD/MP3 players and a pro-quality DI to get great bass tone direct to the desk for recording sessions or feeding the PA.

Power Output: 600 Watts (400W RMS)
Power Requirement: 115 - 230V
Speaker Outputs: 2 x Jack Sockets
Frequency Response: -3dB at 17Hz - 30Khz
High Instrument Input: Impedance 3.9m Ohms, input range 150mV - 20mV p-p
Low Instrument Input: Impedance 10K Ohms, input range 300mV - 40V p-p
Line Input Impedance: 10K Ohms, Level 0dBu nominal
Tuner Output : Impedance 22K Ohms, Level 0dBu nominal
DI Output: 600 Ohms balanced, level -20dBu nominal
Impedance: Minimum 4 Ohm
Bass +/-15dB @ 100Hz Lo Mid +/-15dB @ 220Hz Middle +/-15dB @ 660Hz Hi Mid +/-15dB @ 1.6kHz Treble +/-15dB @ 7kHz shelving Deep +
Effects Send: Impedance 22k Ohm, level 0dBu nominal
Effects Return: Impedance 22K Ohm, level 0dBu nominal
Distortion : less than 0.5% THD
Signal to Noise; Better than 80dB (EQ Flat)
Dimensions: 46 x 26 x 9 cm
Weight: 3kg
Ste Genevieve Des Bois, Ile-de-France
Ste Genevieve Des Bois, Ile-de-France
Postée il y a 42 heures - Expire dans 90 jours - 7 vues
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73.56% taux réponse
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