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Sujet Nasum, MIESZKO TALARCZYK porté disparu

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Sujet de la discussion Nasum, MIESZKO TALARCZYK porté disparu


It's very hard for us to make this announcement, but since rumours are already out on the Internet we must make an official statement: Mieszko Talarczyk is missing in Thailand.

Mieszko and his girlfriend went to Thailand to spend the holidays. They left a few days before Christmas and were scheduled to return right after New Years Eve.

They were staying in a bungalow at Phi Phi Island and when the big wave came and swept the bungalow away the two were seperated. Mieszko's girlfriend is being reported hospitalized "badly injured" but she has been in contact with among others Mieszko's sister who has been posting an "I'm looking for..." at the Phuket Disaster Forum.

This is everything we know right now. Since we are all shocked by this surreal situation we strongly advice fans of Nasum to respect the anxiety we and the Talarczyk and Thorén families feel at this time, and NOT post questions by email or in the guestbook at We will post all sorts of news on the website, but again, please respect our wish in this uneasy time.

Anders, Jon and Urban of Nasum.

Pour ceux qui n'aiment pas trop l'anglais,le chanteur/guitariste de Nasum est porté disparu suite au tsunami de ces derniers jours.Il était en vacances avec sa fiancée qui a été hospitalisée.

:( :( :(

Le chanteur de Nasum a été officiellement déclaré mort, son corp a été identifié (suite au tsunami)... RIP

Citation : Today - Thursday, February 17, 2005 - we recieved a confirmation that Mieszko Talarczyk died in the Tsunami Disaster December 26, 2004. His body has been identified and will be transfered to Sweden shortly.

His closest family and friends are in our thoughts right now. Mieszko will be missed by many. will be closed for at least a month. You know why. There will be a slight update in a couple of days with some information about the future of Nasum along with some personal words about Mieszko.

Thanks a lot for your support and your thoughts. Now a new time begins, a time we must spend alone. Please respect this wish.

Anders and Nasum.

Ca fout bien les boules ,et dire que je les ai ratés dans leur derniere tournée:(( :(((

Je suis pas un gros fan de grind mais Nasum c'est vraiment un groupe à part,au dessus du lot, y avaient réussi le tour de force de réinventer le style tout en préservant son essence.
Pour une fois qu'un groupe de grind proposait qqch de vraiment original et recherché.
C'est vraiment une grosse perte pour la scene grind/hardcore :(
Putain pourquoi c'est pas linkin park ou evanescence qui sont allés en vacances en thailande :fache: :fache:
J'ai eu la chance de les voir avec Blockheads le 2 novembre... grand moment.. inoubliable :oo:
Pour ceux qui veulent découvrir...

Old and tired ?
Et oui, encore une victime de la nouvelle vague! :(

Citation : Today, March 30, Mieszko Talarczyk, was buried at the Church of Almby, Örebro. I guess most of you have experienced at least one funeral in your life. Funerals are a bit strange, they are both terrible and wonderful at the same time. You have to bury someone to get on with the whole grief process, and even though you feel terrible during the actual ceremony, crying and shaking, you feel a little bit better afterwards.

Ever since we faced the fact that our beloved friend most likely was dead (which more or less was mid-January to be honest) we have had trouble to really cope with reality. When the body was identified mid-February we got one step closer to really understand everything, and now with the body put to rest in the ground we're supposed to finally understand that our friend is dead.

It's still a hard truth to swallow, but I think we now finally can start to mourn and remember free of the anxiety we felt when we didn't know if he was alive or not, if the body ever should be identified.

A couple of weeks ago I met Mieszko's father. He wanted to get Mieszko's guitars and I showed him our rehearsal place where we've been located the last year. The day before I was at the place for basically the first time since the Tsunami. Everything was a mess - we hadn't unpacked anything from the tour and the last two one off shows we did in December. I unpacked my drums and got Mieszko's guitars together. It felt strange, knowing that no one would ever again play on them and that I would never again enjoy him as my best musical colleague ever.

Mieszko's father told me that they wanted to place one guitar inside the casket since music was such a big part of his life. I told him to choose the thin Ibanez guitar since that was Mieszko's oldest guitar which he has used in all of his bands. They also wanted to have one guitar next to the casket during the funeral and I told them to use the BC Rich which was Mieszko's main guitar.

If there is an afterlife, I'm sure Mieszko is really pissed at me right now for picking that Ibanez guitar since he hated tuning it… :)

The funeral had about 60 guests including family members and numerous musicians from band such as Nasum, Genocide SuperStars, Millencolin, The Peepshows, The Project Hate, 2 Ton Predator, Nine, Disfear, Regurgitate etc and many other friends of Mieszko.

During the ceremony two songs by Mieszko's favorite band Kent were played, "Din skugga" ("Your shadow") and "Utan dina andetag" ("Without your breath"). These songs were chosen by the family and felt really appropriate.

After the interment everyone took a last farewell passing flowers and gifts down into the grave. It was a beautiful and sunny spring day in Örebro, a day that would have made Mieszko happy. He always enjoyed the first sunny days of the spring.

Goodbye, Mieszko, we'll see you on the other side.

- Anders

(I know that I promised updates about the future of Nasum along with some personal texts last time. You have to wait a little longer.)

Wai kan on a appris on a bien eu la haine surtout que peu de temps avant ils avaient joues dans une petite salle du cote de chez nous (le crock more a Perpignan)un putain de concert dont mes potes assuraient la 1ere partie (MDU)