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  • sanjurosanjuro

    Vic Firth Signature Dave WecklPublié le 30/11/09 à 03:58
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    I first came across the Dave Weckl sticks when my local drum store ran out of the signature Steve Gadd sticks.  I figured these looked a lot similar, so I gave them a chance.  I am also a big fan of Weckl, so I figured they couldn't be too bad.  These are almost exactly the same as the Steve Gadd sticks, except that they are a bit heavier (they seem more condensed) and slightly longer.  The exterior coating is the same, except it is a different color.  I have only ever used the wood tipped versions.  In fact, I would suggest that the wood tips are better for all sticks.  I know that the nylon tips last longer, but in general it is the shoulder of my sticks that wear out.  The added durability is not worth the harsh change in sound when striking cymbals.

    These sticks served me very well for the time I had them.  I usually prefer longer sticks, so it is difficult to say why I switched back to Gadd Signatures later on.  Something about these felt odd, like they were too dense for their reasonably thin design.  They also sounded a bit duller when clicking on the rim.  They still lasted a very long time and seemed durable enough.  Both the Gadd and the Weckl signature sticks are susceptible to breaking when hitting heavy rim shots or riding on a cymbal edge.  If the gig is gonna be a loud one, be sure to pack some heavier hitters.  Otherwise, the Weckl signatures are great for most situations. 

    These can be played in most styles of music as long as it doesn't break the sticks.  They are resistant to wear and tear and feel good overall.  The tips create really good ping and the shoulder is solid.  If louder music is to be played, I suggest going with Vic Firth 5 A's.  Otherwise, these are pretty high on my list of sticks I have used.
  • Rom's 6n2Rom's 6n2

    Vic Firth Signature Dave WecklPublié le 27/03/06 à 20:25
    J'en utilise de temps en temps et je doit avouer qu'elles me conviennent parfaitement, Bonne longueur, bon diamètre....
    Biensur la couleur bordeau s'enlèvent vite fait à l'endroit classique mais bon...c'est un détail.
  • Batteurdu60Batteurdu60

    Vic Firth Signature Dave WecklPublié le 11/07/05 à 13:12
    Je les utilise depuis quelques jours, j'aime bien leur look, bémol ,apres quelques coups ratés sur les cercles, le bois bordeaux rosit. j'avais essayé beaucoup de modeles avant ( pro orca, carbostick, tama, ahead ) le rapport qualité prix est raisonnable et je referais ce choix avec de l'experience.