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< Tous les avis Oberheim MC 3000
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Oberheim MC 3000
Oberheim MC 3000
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jamie.smartypants jamie.smartypants

« One of the best pro level controllers ever! »

Publié le 26/07/14 à 06:51
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
I wanted a hammer action midi controller that is built like a tank like the rest of my gear, and the MC-3000, hands down, is the most full featured pro level midi controller available up until now.
The MC-3000 features two MIDI ins and EIGHT MIDI out ports, with two MIDI thru ports. It features a built in patch bay to route all of these channels in any way you like. While having this much control does get a bit confusing, it's all in there. Split your keyboard any way you like, trigger different synths with different velocity curves, it's all there.


General configuration- easy to figure out. Eight buttons with sliders on the left. Completely assignable, but the base function is an on/off switch for each MIDI out and volume or assignable cc functions for each slider per active channel.
Manual- can be sketchy at times. With so much depth into midi functions, things can get confusing and complex setups can make you pull your hair out. All the info is in the manual, but again, with all the sub menus, it can be a real chore to learn how to assign a function.
Channel/ patch selection- once you are in the patch edit mode you can assign all your midi channels and patch selections. There is a template of many older synth modules that recall their factory patch settings. I have also undertaken the laborious task of assigning my own patch info for each of my newer modules.
General configuration- it's easy enough to get setup with a few basic setups, but to dive deep into this machine can be very complex.


Most like- the hammer action is as good as any Yamaha or kurzweil high end model digital pianos. I also appreciate the number of connections, making this controller a true midi master keyboard, and is very good for large setups that use multiple modules.
Least like- lack of cc controllers. Yes, there are 8 sliders, but some knobs would have been nice, as well as a transport control. However, if should point out that any negative comments I have regarding this and other features are redeemed in the physispiano K4. This is the new incarnation of this keyboard, made by the same manufacturer, viscount. It offers much more cc controllers, a transport control, a much easier to use graphic color LCD display, and several USB ports (both sides) for USB MIDI control and as a host for iPads.
Secondhand value of around $500-600 is a great deal considering the features and that this board once cost around $2400.
If you need piano hammer action, you are not going to find better action in a strict midi controller than this keyboard. While void of some modern features like USB MIDI, it is a machine that will allow you to create extremely complex midi setups. With 8 midi outs and two midi ins, you can transmit up to 128 channels of midi. I purchased this board used and mine was part of a touring fleet for the pit crew on the Mama Mia tour. It was loaded with some really complex setups (I understand they used 5 of these in the pit), setups far more complex than my connection to my DAW, plus 3 modules and an iPad.
Again, if you have the money to spend on a NEW controller that is a direct descendent of the MC-3000, look up the Physispiano K4. New price is around $2000. The EX model also has the sound board of their famous physispiano.