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Blackheart Engineering BH5 Little Giant
Petite annonce
Blackheart Engineering BH5 Little Giant

Mod Kit BitMo Triple Bypass

Comme neuf  |  Complet  |  Première main
45 €
Rumaucourt, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 13 heures - Expire dans 90 jours - 5 vues
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Blackheart Little Giant Mods
BitMo offers several mod kits for the Blackheart Little Giant BH5 amp. The Triple Bypass Mod Kit is particularly popular. This kit includes parts and instructions to add three-way switching between different voicings, enhancing the amp’s versatility. The middle position offers a balanced tone with more clean headroom, the second position provides a gain-rich, brown sound, and the third position delivers a tighter, biting boost. All three voicings are touch-sensitive and work well across the full range of the volume control.

Additionally, BitMo offers an attenuator kit that can be mounted on the back of the head, adding a tone control, boost, and line out. This kit helps to reduce the amp’s volume while maintaining its tone quality.

These mods are designed to improve the performance and tonal range of the Blackheart Little Giant, making it a more versatile and responsive instrument.
Rumaucourt, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Rumaucourt, Nord-Pas-de-Calais
Postée il y a 13 heures - Expire dans 90 jours - 5 vues
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