C'est pour patienter en attendant l'OS 2.0 promis pour le prochain NAMM d'hiver.
Citation :
Software Release Notes
Purpose of this software
This is a maintenance release of software for the XL-7/MP-7/P2500 Operating System.
The MIDI download file for update is command132.dli. Downloading this OS file will update the OS software while retaining the "configuration" (i.e. XL-7 vs. MP-7 vs P2500) of the original unit. This can only be downloaded into a unit with and updated boot sector supporting OS compression. The included file commandprep10.dli will update any boot
sector to version 10, which supports OS compression.
CRC for MIDI download is EB8A2E65
Problems fixed in this release
* Song to Pattern to Song bug fixed
* Save while stopped auto-RTZs
* Changes to Preset, Mix or Arp from the front panel now disables that for the track until the next pattern
* Save menu now defaults to the most appropriate screen when both a sequence and a pattern are dirty.
* Arp extension interval bug fixed
* Restart/Fire key combo: hold play and press stop as often as you want to restart the current sequence or instantly start playing the queued sequence.
* Quick Erase track feature: while not in list edit, grid edit or step edit, holding erase and pressing a track button will erase all events on that track, even while recording.
Installation procedure
Download via ELoader or OSDownloader
« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)
Posteur·euse AFfiné·e
Membre depuis 22 ans
2Posté le 20/01/2003 à 15:59:38
Salut!!! est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'expliquer comment peut on faire pour disposer et télecharger le nouvelle o.s 1.32 dans ces petite machine?
a+ will