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Danelectro DC 3
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Publié le 02/09/11 à 17:56
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Danelectro DC 3 is an electric guitar in the style of a vintage 60's guitar. These were made for a few years in the late 90's, but you can still find them around on the used market. It's a unique guitar because of the tone knob that allows you to set the pick up configuration in seven different ways for different sounds. It's got three single coil pick ups and a super sparkling cool finish.


Using the Danelectro DC 3 isn't hard at all, whether we're talking about the feel of the neck or setting your tones. What makes the DC 3 so unique is it's seven way tone knob, which gives you different configurations of the pick ups. One of them allows you to put all the pick ups on at once for a huge sound, but you can also choose between them manually. The neck is pretty smooth and easy to play, although it doesn't jump out at me as having a super low action. Getting a good sound couldn't be easier because of the unique tone knob.


I really like the different sounds you can get with the Danelectro DC 3, as it's definitely a versatile guitar. It has a vintage 60's tone as advertised, but this doesn't mean it's lo-fi or anything like that. I have to say that I probably like the all pickups on mode best for leads and the others for different types of rhythm parts. The bottom line with the DC 3 is that it's great to have options in sound!


The Danelectro DC 3 is a really cool looking and sounding guitar. While it's not a vintage guitar, it definitely has the look and sound of some of those old Dano guitars, while still incorporating modern ideas and technology with the seven way tone knob. It's a very inexpensive guitar, which is somewhat surprising, but if you know a little bit about Danelectro you'll know that they're guitars have always been at low prices. The DC 3 is definitely worth checking out for guitarists looking for a vintage sound in the modern guitar.