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Sujet BEAT707 : Version 1.2.4 ET opensource

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Sujet de la discussion BEAT707 : Version 1.2.4 ET opensource
Le Beat707 passe en version 1.2.4.En gros, c'est de la balle CV Gate, + entrée audio, gestion de boutons supplémentaires + quelques extras
avec une petite vidéo

je cite :"

- Added Number of Steps (global)

- Added Enable Pattern AB. (when disabled, only Pattern A will play)

- Added ANALOG_INPUT_A0 to Config.h - Analog input option, by using the free Analog A0 Pin. (D14 on the Beat707 SV2 Headers) The current options are: BPM Tempo, Pattern Selector, Track Selector, Note Selector and Number of Steps. There's a 2 second delay for when you select a new input mode or press an optional button attached to Digital Pin 2. (the delay can be tweaked)

- Added GATE_OUTS to Config.h - Gate Output option for the first 3 tracks: T>01, T>02 and T>03. When enabled it will use 3 pins to output a gate voltage trigger on pins A0, D2 and D3. Check the Board Details PDF file for headers information - should be SV2 and SV3) Gates are fixed for Tracks 1, 2 and 3. (MIDI is disabled on those tracks)

- Added EXTRA_8_BUTTONS to the Config.h and also a new tab named W_I_ExtraBt - This new option will use the extra 8 buttons input header to read 8 inputs (no need for pull-up/down resistors, the hardware already has it) and call user-code that can be written on the W_I_ExtraBt tab.

d'autre part, le code est maintenant open source et franchement ca n'a pas l'air compliqué.


Version 1.3.0


je cite

- New LEDs Code - Adds 3 levels of light on each LED, so you can see if the current step velocity is low, medium or high. Internally we used Timer2 to do a fast PWM on all LEDs, and a MIDI Output buffer so any MIDI does not delays the LEDs PWM interrupt; this is done via the bufferMIDI variable. Be sure to read the description of LEDS_PWM_A1 and LEDS_PWM_A2 in the Config.h file, as those two values determinates how the LED PWM code works.

- Added INI_PATT_FULL_ACNT to Config.h - During Pattern Initialization both Accents tracks will be set to either full-value or the values set via the INI_PATT_USER_V option. (be sure to read the description of the INI_PATT_USER_V)

- A few bugs related to the LED Transport and Song Saving/Erasing were fixed.

- Several areas of the code were optimized for lower flash-program usage. The resulting code is actually larger, as we need to add more code to accomodate the LED PWM Timer and Interrupts.

- All extra library files are now included in the Library.h file, no need to update any library-folders anymore.

- Fixed a bug related to S1/S2 Tracks note editing.

- Updated: S1/S2 Tracks note editing - clicking on a step will rotate the following notes: None, Last-Edited-Note, Current-Note-Slide, Note-off.


 Version 1.4.2

je cite


- New Beat707 Manager code, to be used with an extra application made with Processing (this replaces all previous SysEx Dump/Receive)

- Added a new option to Config.h - #define SPI_CLOCK_SPEED - SPI Clock Speed - usually 0x00 (DIV4), but some Arduino boards may only work at 0x05 (DIV8)


Version 1.4.4

je cite

- Fixed: Note-Numbers display were 1 note above what it should be.

- Fixed: Song-Mode code was saving the first 2 pattern-positions on the wrong EEPROM location.

[ Dernière édition du message le 25/10/2012 à 11:32:18 ]


Version 1.4.5

- Better MIDI Sync Slave mode.

- Added new options to Config.h - EXTRA_MIDI_IN_H_1 and EXTRA_MIDI_IN_H_2 - see the Config.h file for details.


Version 1.4.6

je cite

- Better MIDI Sync code, specially when using the EXTRA_MIDI_IN_H_2 option.

- Beat707 BigTime support: - check the Config.h for the new BEAT707_BIG_TIME option.

- Added XTH2_AUTO_STOP to Config.h - When set in conjunction with EXTRA_MIDI_IN_H_2, playback will stop at the end of the pattern. This is handy when using with a sequencer, so you can insert notes to select patterns, and there's no risk of double-notes when a pattern is about to re-start and a new one is selected


Version 1.4.8

- Added to Config.h MIDI_NO_OUT_BUFFER - When set MIDI notes won't be buffered, they will go out to the MIDI Serial Output right away, but this may flicker the LEDs a bit

- Added to Config.h DISABLE_SHFT_SHCUTS - When set this will disable some Quick and Double Shift ShortCuts: Double Steps Edit and Mirror Pattern On/Off

- Fixed a problem when switching MIDI Clock Modes (Slave, Master, Off)

- Fixed some problems with the MIDI Clock Slave Mode

- Clicking the Shift key no longer halts the MIDI Clock while in Slave mode

- Faster Pattern loading when using the EXTRA_MIDI_IN_H_2 option.


Version 1.4.9

- Fixed problem with Beat707 Manager (be sure to enable it under the Config.h file if you plan on using it, set #define MANAGER_DUMP_RECV 1 in order to activate it, and switch Beat707 USB MODE to On)

- Added support to the new Arduino 1.0 IDE