671 vidéos
Jasmine ● Cinematic violin ensemble for film scor…
Bad Violin Toolkit Talkthrough
Introducing: Tina Guo - Storm Cello
Synchron Duality Strings (fx) - Trailer
Berlin Solo Strings: Launch trailer–intro offer j…
Composing Music With A Cello Made From An Artille…
Walkthrough: Artillery Shell Cello
Out Now: Ólafur Arnalds Cells
Walkthrough: Harmonic Tides
Is The Major Scale Really Best For Scary Music?
Our Definitive String Library Has Landed
Rigid Audio Shimmer Strings Trailer
String Contours - Whispers By Jean-Gabriel Raynau…
String Contours - Echoes By Nathan Einhorn Midi P…
String Contours - Walkthrough
Overview | Mojo: Upright Bass
Synchron-Ized Orchestral Strings - Walkthrough By…
Osmosis ● Cello Landscapes ● Wrongtools
Walkthrough Stratum - Modern Strings
Rotor - Solo Cello

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