Je me suis aussi posé la question.
Sur le manuel, ils expliquent faire des "mixtures" entre deux types de délais:
- Le Space Echo avec l Echoplex pour l'un,
- Et l' Echorec avec un classic multi head tape delays pour l'autre.
Citation :
This tape echo style unit is inspired by a mixture of the classic
Space Echo® and Maestro® Echoplex® style delay units with
Brian Wampler’s take. These delays were famous for their self
oscillation capabilities and this Program is no different. The
modulation effects on this Program emulate the natural wow and
flutter of the original unit giving this delay a fantastically playable
sound in the low and middle of its range. Prepare to be sent
to the outer epochs of space and time with some of the more
extreme settings - shoegaze may occur!
Inspired by the sounds of the Binson® Echorec® delay and
classic multi head tape delays, this program emulates some of
the most important delay sounds in rock music history. With
Wampler’s own filtering and saturation style of modulation this
gets incredibly close to the great sound produced by classic
mechanical units.
The Alt mode and Feedback knob select tape head combinations
(there are 15, all displayed on the Preset LEDs) which can also be
selected via MIDI. The heads operate like an extra subdivision
of the ‘Global’ subdivisions - very much like the relationship with
the Ethereal modes. You can go to town and come up with some
very creative combinations when the two are combined - this
program will create huge interstellar echoes.
[ Dernière édition du message le 28/06/2022 à 10:36:45 ]
Posteur·euse AFfolé·e
Membre depuis 8 ans
5Posté le 28/06/2022 à 11:11:40
A écouter les démos, je me demande où ils trouvent leur inspiration se reprochant d'un Space echo, echorec, ou echoplex.
Peut être dans le Metaverse...