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PRS Hollowbody II - Smoked Orange

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  • heads on fireheads on fire

    Blah. Très ennuyeux.

    PRS Hollowbody II - Smoked OrangePublié le 21/10/11 à 19:11
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    Made in USA
    Flame maple top and back
    Mahogany neck
    Rosewood fretboard with 22 frets
    Bird inlays
    PRS Phase II locking tuners
    PRS pickups
    Hollow body with f-holes
    Volume, tone, 3 way pickup selector, 3 way mini toggle for mag/mag piezo/piezo

    Great FEATURES, not necessarily great guitar.


    This guitar seems like it would be great. It's easy to play. It's a bit neck-heavy, which is annoying, but not enough to be a deal breaker. The deal breaking occurs with the overall flatness/dullness of the vibe. I know, it's incredibly intangible, and as a writer and an informed guitar owner and player I should be able to pinpoint exactly what it is about the guitar I don't like, but I can't. It just does not do it for me. This is one of the most blah instruments I've ever picked up. It's not bad, but it's not good either.


    It sounded ok, I guess. I've played much better sounding PRS guitars, and much better sounding hollowbodies. This guitar was really uninspiring to me. The piezo in my Parker and my buddy's Schecter sounded better than this one.


    Have you ever heard the phrase "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts"? That doesn't apply here. In fact, just the opposite. The features are fantastic, and the guitar should by all accounts be incredible. But I just thought it was pretty dull overall. I don't know if I played a bad example of one - everything checked out just fine - but I was not impressed. I love hollowbody guitars, and I love a lot of PRS models, and I love piezo pickups, but this one just did not do it for me. It was set up well and everything... Who knows. I just think it's not a great buy for the money.