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Sujet réglage le justesse avec Telecaster 3 pontets

  • 10 réponses
  • 7 participants
  • 11 397 vues
Sujet de la discussion réglage le justesse avec Telecaster 3 pontets



quelqu'un peut-il traduire ce passage, merci icon_bravo.gif


Now, on to intonation: Until fairly recently, I felt that a guitar couldn't really play in tune unless each string's 12th fret harmonic and 12th fret note had the exact same reading on the electric tuner. And of course, they never do on a three-saddle bridge. I finally settled on a technique that not only deals with this problem but, to my delight, addresses other inherent problems also. Here it is: Adjust the middle saddle's intonation screw so that the "D" string's 12th fret note reads slightly flat of the 12th fret harmonic on your tuner. Then, check out the "G" string's 12th fretted note. This note should be only MARGINALLY sharp of the harmonic. Are you with me? Now tune your guitar, with the open "G" string reading somewhere between A440 and A439 (so that the 12th FRETTED note is at A440). Tune the other strings as one would normally. Final adjusments can be made by ear when you compare first position E major and E minor chords. The E major's G# note (third string, 1st fret) should no longer seem sharp in the chord; and the open "G" string should still be perceptively in tune within the E minor chord.

Cette fois, je crois que nous sommes complètement ça y est c'est foutu...

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Essayes de "creuser" un poil ton manche, absolument droit ça marche rarement bien. Pas au rabot mais en dévissant un peu le truss rod. A part ça et régler la hauteur des pontets ... ou alors le sillet est trop bas, ou les encoches de certaines cordes trop profondes ...