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Digidesign Digi 002 Rack
Digidesign Digi 002 Rack

Interface audio FireWire de la marque Digidesign

Sujet tweak sur DIGI002r

  • 40 réponses
  • 11 participants
  • 8 749 vues
Sujet de la discussion tweak sur DIGI002r
salut à tous !
Sur base de tous les post d'upgrade que j'ai pu lire,  je me met à tweaker ma DIGI 002r pour essayer d'en améliorer le son

Effectivement, dès qu'on plonge la tête à l'intérieur, on s'aperçoit très vite qu'on nous prend vraiment pour des c...
Alimentation de m...., composants discount, enfin, on dirait plus un rack grand public bas de gamme qu'une carte semi-pro...

Après avoir passé des semaines à lire les forums, je me suis décidé à me lancer. mes connaissances en electronique sont très limitées, mais ma formation technique me permet de m'adapter...

1- changement de tous les AOP

j'ai confié ce travail délicat à une entreprise, tous les ampli op double et quadruples ont étéz remplacés:
TL072 par AD8620
T074 par OPA4134
4560 et 5532 par LME49722, AD8620 ou OPA2107 selon l'emplacement.

changement des convertisseurs par les derniers modèles de chez AKM

AK5383 par AK5394A
AK4383 par AK4396

150€ le tout.

2- refection des condensateurs de decouplage et d'alimentation des convertisseurs. j'en suis là pour le moment...

Premier probleme : la carte reviens de l'usine et rien ne marche !!!! des craquements, de coupures...puis je m'apercoit après plusieurs heures que les convertisseurs AD ne sont pas completement compatible , il me faut couper les pin 2 et 16 qui sont reliées à la masse et mettre un condensateur à la place.

coupure de la misse à la masse:
installation des condensateurs "audio" panasonic FM:

prochaine etape : refection complete de l'alimentation et changement de la clock.

A bientot !

[ Dernière édition du message le 15/09/2009 à 19:02:57 ]

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Cool, merci des infos je vais me lancer le temps de faire la commande ;
Par contre tu as un endroit en particulier ou acheter les condensateurs et la carte clock .ou tous les revendeurs electroniques le font
j'ai tout acheté sur ebay icon_wink.gif


Thats a very impressive piece of work!

I am myself doing a similar upgrade (linear PSU, opams, coupling caps, AD/DA, decoupling), but my french is VERY bad. I hope you understand some english and would care to answer a few questions. I understand most french in writing, just cant write it myself....

First, which clock did you use? Is it your own design, or a ready-made unit?

Is there is a reason why you stuck to +/- 12V? The opamps you use support at least 15 if not 18. I am asking since I plan to up the voltage on the audiorails, but wonder if there is a reason not to do this. As far as I can tell, nothing else runs on this supply that could be damaged.

And if I might ask..... where did you get the AKM chips? 

All the best

ebay ok ,merci encore pour les infos .
hello Jonas,

I bought the clock board at audio-gd (, and i put a very low jitter oscillator from tentlab on it.

I only put the new clock on the 44.1 channel, i do not use 48k. if needed, you will have to install two clocks...

I did not change the original +/- 12v because i was afraid to damaged something. If you run it with 15v without damage, i will do it too, it is better bravo

For the AKM, i ask them on their website to find a French dealer, but I think change them is not a really good deal: it is quite dangerous, very difficult operation to win only some Db background noise...

Decoupling the originals with good caps and good power supply is more efficient.



Thanks for the info, that is a great help.

I have done all the coupling caps work now, and will have the PSU ready in a few days. Maybe some of the digital board stuff is using 12V (..since the original supply was rated much higher for +12v than -12v), but I see nothing on the analog board using these rails besides opamps. So... I will supply the analog board with +-15 and stick with +-12 for the digital. However, I dont see the decoupling is that bad? On the AD side it is according to ADKs datasheet with .1 and 10u on all rails - the DA may have cut some corners, hard to see what is missing without desoldering the chips...and I'm not going to.

Do you experience any trouble with the clock? Have you tried double-speed mode (88K)?

All the best
i just try the 44.1 for the moment, but it works perfectly bravo

Decoupling schematic is not too bad, but the caps quality is quite bad...Putting better electrolytic decoupling cap (low ESR) is important i think, you just have to remove the originals CMS cap an put some good ones with a little bit more value at the same place, it is not too hard to do, but you have to be careful, it is a long work.

I think 15V is ok everywhere. I think  the digital need a 12v only because there is an AOP on it, let me know.


acdc voltage : 220v , or look at the digi shema fot more explication

Hi again.

Just to let you know, I have now finished my upgrade, and I am running the analog board on +/-15V and it is working like a charm. I put new clocks in for both sampling frequencies, and still only supply the digital board with +/- 12V. Damn hard to keep the PSU cool though, but thats the 5 and 3.3 rails....


hello !

Great work ! icon_lol.gif

Could you send pictures ?

I am going to do the same and run the analog board with 15V.

It is quite hard to cool it, especially because 5V needed by the 002 is more thant 1A... Mine it is quite hot and the 5v PSU is still more than 60°C...


Did you listen any improvements ?