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Doepfer A-184-1 Ring Modulator / S&H/T&H / Slew Limiter Combo

Doepfer A-184-1 Ring Modulator / S&H/T&H / Slew Limiter Combo

Module d'effets pour synthé modulaire de la marque Doepfer appartenant à la série A-100

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Acheter neuf Doepfer A-184-1 Ring Modulator / S&H/T&H / Slew Limiter Combo

  • Thomann En stock / Livré en 48h 96,00 €
  • Music Store En stock / Livré en 48h 96,00 €
  • En stock / Livré en 24h 105,60 €

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Doepfer
  • Modèle : A-184-1 Ring Modulator / S&H/T&H / Slew Limiter Combo
  • Série : A-100
  • Catégorie : Modules d'effets pour synthés modulaires
  • Poids du colis : 63 g
  • Fiche créée le : 18/01/2016

4 TE / 4 HP / 20.0 mm Eurorack analog synth module compiling Ring Modulator / S&H/T&H / Slew Limiter from other modules

The upper section is nothing but half of an A-114, i.e. a ring modulator with the usual X/Y inputs and the X*Y output.
The lower section is a Sample & Hold (S&H) / Track & Hold (T&H) unit followed by a slew limiter. An internal jumper is used to set the mode to S&H or T&H. In S&H mode the unit picks out a sample from the voltage at the SH input at the rising edge of the trigger signal input. In T&H mode the output follows the input voltage as long as the level of the trigger signal is high. As soon as the trigger signal turns low, the last voltage is stored. The trigger input is internally normalled to high, i.e. the unit works as a slew limiter in T&H mode when no trigger signal is applied.


Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires

Autres dénominations : a 184 1 ringmodulators h t h slewlimitercombo, a1841ringmodulatorshthslewlimitercombo, a1841 ringmodulatorshthslewlimitercombo, a184 1 ring modulator s h t h slew limiter combo, a 184 1ring modulator s h t h slew limiter combo, a1841, a184 1