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Publié le 25/03/07 à 11:44
Pedalier controleur de fabrication polonaise.4 boucles true bypass, 6 switchs programmables permettant de selectionner les boucles voulues.Possibilité de commuter les canaux de l'ampli.
fabrication très sérieuse.
Rapport qualité/prix excellent.
fabrication très sérieuse.
Rapport qualité/prix excellent.

Publié le 21/12/11 à 06:41
I had a pair of these for three years. What I liked about using these pedals was putting one on each end of my effects chain. That way I could run my acoustic guitar to my acoustic amp or my electric guitar to my electric amp but still use the same effects. All I had to do was click two pedals and I was ready to go. Great asset for live situations. What I didn't like was that they are battery powered only. I don't like the idea of having to rely on batteries only, I don't know what they didn't put a power jack on this. I have a boss tuner pedal and it would have been nice to have powered the AB's with that. I didn't not try other pedals because I couldn't find any in the same price range. There is a german company who makes much nicer version of these, but they are around $300.
These are great for only $35 a piece. I would definitely recommend this to anyone switching between two guitars, two amps, or both like in my case. Yes, if I couldn't afford the nicer versions, I would.
The foot switch and LED lights are easy to use and understand, and overall the pedal is easy to bring around because of its light weight. The pedal requires two AAA batteries and the pedal has true bypass so it won't change the color of your sound. This is a huge feature because for me it is vital that my tone isn't affected negatively by the pedals that I am using because I often use a clean tone. I haven't really used any pedals that are exactly like the AB 2, as the other AB boxes that I have used only have the option to go from one connection to two and having the configuration like the AB 2 opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
These are great for only $35 a piece. I would definitely recommend this to anyone switching between two guitars, two amps, or both like in my case. Yes, if I couldn't afford the nicer versions, I would.
The foot switch and LED lights are easy to use and understand, and overall the pedal is easy to bring around because of its light weight. The pedal requires two AAA batteries and the pedal has true bypass so it won't change the color of your sound. This is a huge feature because for me it is vital that my tone isn't affected negatively by the pedals that I am using because I often use a clean tone. I haven't really used any pedals that are exactly like the AB 2, as the other AB boxes that I have used only have the option to go from one connection to two and having the configuration like the AB 2 opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Wobo
- Modèle : Prog Looper
- Catégorie : Pédaliers/Contrôleurs
- Fiche créée le : 16/08/2007
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Autres catégories dans Pièces détachées & accessoires pour amplis guitare
Autres dénominations : prog looper, proglooper