Acheter neuf Roland SH-2 Plug-Out
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Annonces SH-2 Plug-Out
Alerte nouvelle annonceForums Roland SH-2 Plug-Out
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Roland
- Modèle : SH-2 Plug-Out
- Série : AIRA
- Catégorie : Synthés virtuels soustractifs
- Fiche créée le : 18/09/2014
The SH-2 PLUG-OUT Software Synthesizer is a total reproduction of the classic SH-2 synthesizer from 1979.
- Maximum Polyphony: 1 voice
- Modulator: LFO Rate, Delay Time, Waveform (SIN, TRI, SAW, SQR, RANDOM(S/H))
- VCO: Auto Bend Depth, Modulation Depth
- VCO-1: Range (64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2), Waveform (SAW, SQR, SIN), Pulse Width, PWM Mode switch (MANUAL, LFO, AUTO BEND, VCF ENV, VCA ENV, VCO-1 SUB), Bender Depth
- VCO-2: Range (64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2), Waveform (SAW, SQR, NOISE), Pulse Width, PWM Mode switch (MANUAL, LFO, AUTO BEND, VCF ENV, VCA ENV, VCO-1 SUB), Fine Tune, Coarse Tune
- Audio Mixer: VCO-1, VCO-2, VCO-1 SUB
- VCF: Cutoff Frequency, Resonance, ENV Depth, Modulation Depth, Keyboard Follow
- VCF ENV: Attack Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Release Time
- VCA: VCA Mode (GATE, A.ENV, F.ENV, HOLD), Tone, Crusher Depth
- VCA ENV: Attack Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Release Time
- VCF/VCA ENV: Gate-Trigger switch (GATE, LFO, GATE+TRIG, LFO+GATE)
- Effect: Reverb Level, Delay Level, Delay Time
- Controller: Volume, Portamento, Bend Range, Tempo Sync switch
- Arpeggio: Arpeggio Switch, Arpeggio Type (1 Oct Up, 1 Oct U+D, 1 Oct Down, 2 Oct Down, 2 Oct U+D, 2 Oct Down), Arpeggio Step (1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/4T, 1/8T, 1/16T)
- Tune: 430 Hz–450 Hz
- Sampling Frequency: 44.1 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz
- Tones per 1 bank: 64 patches
- * User can make new user banks.Plug-In FormatsVSTi 3.6 (32 bits, 64 bits), AUPlug-Out HardwareSYSTEM-1
Distribué par rolandcentraleurope
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Autres dénominations : sh 2 plug out, sh2plugout, sh2 plugout, sh2 plug out, sh 2plug out, SH-2