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Electro-Harmonix Pulsar
Electro-Harmonix Pulsar

Tremolo guitare de la marque Electro-Harmonix appartenant à la série Pulsar

moosers moosers
Publié le 23/01/10 à 06:16
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Electro-Harmonix Pulsar is an analog tremolo pedal that I have experience with in tandem with an electric guitar.  The pedal has a 1/4 inch input and output and can be powered with a nine volt power supply, although I've only used the pedal with an Electro-Harmonix made power supply.  This isn't a rack mountable piece of gear...


Using the Electro-Harmonix Pulsar isn't hard at all.  The parameters that it has includes knobs for shape, rate, and status.  The shape can be used to control two different modes - either a sine or square wave.  Even if you don't have any experience working with tremolo or vibrato pedals, this is easy enough to figure out on its own as it is self explanatory and pretty easy to follow.  I've never seen the manual for the Pulsar, so I can't say too much about it, although I don't think too many people will need it.


While I can't say that the Electro-Harmonix Pulsar will match the sound of some of the built-in vibrato and tremolo effects built into vintage amps, as far as pedals go this is one of the better tremolo pedals out there in my opinion.  I have used the pedal with a Fender Stratocaster and a Marshall JCM 800 amp.  I usually use Fender Twin Reverb and Fender Deluxe Reverb amps for recording sessions and live shows, but during times that I might want tremolo and don't want to use either of those amps, this pedal works great.  I also like how versatile this pedal is, as you can definitely get more tones from this pedal than you could an amp like the Twin Reverb.


As far as tremolo pedals in this price range go, Electro-Harmonix Pulsar is probably the best option.  It has an awesome sound quality and will fit into most people's price range for a pedal like this.  I definitely trust the pedals made by Elcetro-Harmonix as they have consistently put out top quality gear over years.  This is definitely a pedal I'd recommend for someone looking for a reasonably priced tremolo pedal.