T'as oublié de leur demander ma commission pour la relance de la vente des PE 60... Ils sont en rupture de stock depuis que j'en ai chanté les louanges
Thanks for your inquiry. When we were using the Tech 21 special design
speakers in our Trademark 60 and Power Engine 60, we loaded the 4x12 cabs with
that same speaker. Since we switched to the Celestion Model Seventy 80 about a
year ago, all three products use those. I don't know what's in your Power
Engine, but if you have the older model speaker, the Celestions might offer
slightly more midrange, but you can certainly compensate by cutting some mids
on the POD.
The closed-back cabs will also increase the low end to a certain degree,
compared to your open-back Power Engine. As for the POD's cab sim, I'd suggest
you try it both ways (on and off) to see which you like better.