Sujet de la discussionPosté le 20/07/2005 à 18:42:54Pete Townshend (qui ?)
On connaissait déjà les open tunings mais quelqu'un a-t-il déjà essayé le truc de Pete Townshend : remplacer la corde de sol par une seconde corde de si ???
Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not
Je poste, donc je suis
Membre depuis 22 ans
5Posté le 26/07/2005 à 10:37:47
C'est a cause des bends en double notes, pour avoir toujours un interval constant
Citation : PT: I like them because if I stretch them with those two fingers, if I hit say an A and stretch the G and B up like that, when I get to a certain point they go from a major to the major fifth, in tune. And if the gauges are wrong they stretch differently, and I have to separate the fingers to get them in tune, maybe I have to push the G a bit more than the B or something.