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Tom Anderson: la fin?

  • 25 réponses
  • 10 participants
  • 3 289 vues
Sujet de la discussion Tom Anderson: la fin?
Je suppose que vous avez tous plus ou moins entendu parler des guitares Tom Anderson, à la qualité - et au prix - hors du commun.

Sur leur site, une news pas hyper fraîche (Mars 2006) mais qui m'a surpris:

Citation : Here’s the scoop from the horse's mouth about what’s happening around here.

I have a great staff here, probably the best I’ve had in the last 20 years. We have consistently delivered what Roy would say are “the best guitars on the planet”. We have also delivered a level of customer service that I believe is second to none.

After 22 years of being at the helm of Tom Anderson Guitarworks, I have come to realize that being the boss is not what I’m good at. What I do best and love doing is designing and building guitars. While I have consistently been involved in the building of our instruments, over 12,000 to date(!), it’s the being the boss part that is wearing me out. Contrary to rumors you may have heard, I do not have cancer, have not run off with my secretary (I don’t even have one), and the company is not upside down financially. We have always been fortunate enough to have more orders than we could produce and have been able to deliver the orders we do take in a timely manor. We have also been able to get paid for doing it. That’s not something everyone can say.

As of the end of March the company will shrink down to just me. I will continue to build guitars by myself--after all these years, guitar making is still my passion. Our goal is to deliver any guitars you have on order through March 31st. If the shop dissolves before that time, I will personally fulfill any orders that currently have customer’s names on them. I will also be here to continue to service all those guitars you own.

It is not clear at this point in time what I will be doing after these commitments are met in regards to sales. Being alone I will obviously be making a much smaller number of guitars so I do not yet know what the dealer network will look like.

There has also been concern about everyone else here at the shop. We are all doing our best to find a positive future for all. As far as I am concerned, everyone here is as good at what they do as anyone in the world, and should be an asset wherever they go. My hope is that they can further the craft of quality guitar making wherever they land.

I do want to thank all you Anderson owners for all you have done to promote our guitars and for the friendship we have shared. If you have emailed me about this please accept this as an answer, as my inbox is quite overloaded right now and I have much to do to take care of the business at hand.


Bref, de la demi-douzaine de luthiers qui fabriquaient ces petits bijoux, seul reste Tom lui-même.

Autant dire que le rythme de production a copieusement baissé... que les prix en neuf et les délais vont,à l'inverse, augmenter.
Itou pour la cote d'occase.

Et je sais pas, ça m'a fait un petit choc: toutes les boîtes ont tendance à grossir dramatiquement (parfois au point de proposer un peu n'imp', non, j'ai pas dit Lag :diable: ), là, c'est retour à la case départ. Courageux tout de même, mais ça fait bien espèce en voie de disparition.

Bref, si vous êtes un heureux coquin de possesseur de Tom anderson, gardez-là!
C'est encore moins demain la veille que j'en aurai une en tout cas! :mdr:
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J'ai eu l'occasion d'en essayer une, c'est un vrai délice, et ça pèse 3 grammes..
Par contre, c'est une prise en main et un son très modernes, rien à voir avec une Tele 52 par exemple.... , que du matos de ouf...!

Des loopers ? Des switchers ? Des marques de pédales confidentielles ?


La mienne que voici que voilà, qui date de 94, est très typée Télé, pèse effectivement 3 grammes; pas trouvé encore de Télé qui me la fasse regretter...


Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not


C'est pas un diapason 24.75"? Si c'est le cas, c'est pas étonnant que ça ne sonne pas comme une télé classique.
Le diapason des Tom est de 25 1/2", comme les Fender.
Chez Tom, seule la série Cobra est en 24 3/4". Mais cette série est typée Gibson, avec manche acajou et corps acajou/érable... , que du matos de ouf...!

Des loopers ? Des switchers ? Des marques de pédales confidentielles ?


Et quelqu' un aurait posé ses paluches sur une Atom par hasard ???