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Keeley Electronics Framptone 3-Banger
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Keeley Electronics Framptone 3-Banger

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Keeley Electronics Framptone 3-banger A/B/C/Y

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210 €
Orleans, Centre
Postée il y a 3 jours - Expire dans 87 jours - 5 vues
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switch Keeley Electronics Framptone 3-banger A/B/C/Y

3 sorties
independantes + 1 sortie tuner
le ground/lift cummutable sur chaque sortie ABC.

Pas d'échange.
Sans sa boite d'origine

Le Framptone 3 Banger est un sélecteur d'ampli haut de gamme fabriqué à la main en Amérique. C'est bien plus qu'une simple boîte A/B. Il s'agit d'une solution non MIDI permettant d'accéder au meilleur des deux mondes « ampli » pour une multitude de musiciens. Son fonctionnement de commutation silencieux, sa construction bien conçue et sa facilité d'utilisation comptent parmi ses meilleures caractéristiques. Le Framptone Amp Switcher vous permettra de basculer entre ou de combiner des amplificateurs sans les problèmes courants rencontrés lors de l'utilisation d'un boîtier de type A/B. Ces problèmes incluent les boucles de masse, la charge de l'instrument/la perte de signal, le bruit de commutation et le déphasage.

Boucles de masse - Lors de la division du signal d'un instrument ou de la commutation entre plusieurs amplificateurs, il est courant d'avoir un bourdonnement de masse fort. Dans le Framptone Amp Switcher, ce problème est résolu.

The Framptone 3 Banger is a high end amp switcher handmade in the America. It's much more than simply an A/B box. It is a non-MIDI solution to accessing the best of both “amp” worlds for a host of musicians. Its quiet-switching operation, well-crafted construction, and ease of use are among its best features.The Framptone Amp Switcher will allow you to switch between or combine two (2) amplifiers without the common problems encountered when using an A/B type box. Such problems include ground loops, instrument loading/signal loss, switching noise, and phasing.
Ground Loops- When splitting an instrument signal to or switching between multiple amplifiers, it is common to have a loud, ground hum. In the Framptone Amp Switcher, this is solved by the use of the highest quality isolation transformer, which electronically isolates the ground between amplifiers.

The 3 Bangers Solves these problems

Instrument Loading/Signal Loss: When splitting an instrument signal to multiple amplifiers, sound quality is lost because the high impedance output of guitars and basses is not suited to feed more than one high impedance amplifier input. The Framptone Amp Switcher’s instrument input is fed through a custom-designed buffer circuit which converts the instrument input to a low impedance signal allowing the instrument signal to be fed to many amplifiers simultaneously without suffering ANY signal loss or degradation.

Switching Noise: The Framptone Amp Switcher uses durable, soft-touch momentary switches for click-less, noise-free switching.

Phasing: When combining two amplifiers, occasionally they can be “out of phase” with each other causing a thin, bright sound. The Framptone Amp Switcher is equipped with a phase-reversal switch, accessed right above the battery holder inside the unit. The ‘N’ side is for normal phase (most applications) and the ‘R’ side will reverse the phase of amplifier B, immediately eliminating the “out of phase” condition.

Programmable Modes: The Framptone Amp Switcher is now equipped with two (2) programmable options which can be preset to fit your musical needs. The first is the ability to change the flashing “Last Amp On” feature to a solid, non-flashing LED. The second option provides the ability to mute both amps (silent guitar changes, silent tuning, etc.) instead of combining them. Simply remove the bottom cover of the unit and set the labeled dip switches (located under battery holder on circuit board) accordingly.

Power Requirements: The Framptone Amp Switcher will provide several hours of use with a quality 9 volt DC battery (supplied) or you may purchase an optional 9.6 Volt DC, 200 mA, negative tip adapter (such as the Boss PSA adapter) for battery-free operation.** For extended use, it is recommended that a power adapter be used to avoid disruption of signal due to battery failure.**

Utiliser plusieurs amplis
Orleans, Centre
Orleans, Centre
Postée il y a 3 jours - Expire dans 87 jours - 5 vues
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92.77% taux réponse
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4 x 54,96 €
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