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< Tous les avis Gemini DJ CDJ-700
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Gemini DJ CDJ-700
Gemini DJ CDJ-700
JimboSpins JimboSpins

« Good audio output »

Publié le 26/03/13 à 04:59
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The CDJ 700 is a table top unit from Gemini and it is average at best. The quality of it was not as good as I though it should have been coming from Gemini. I understood that it was priced pretty low but coming from some of the other units that I have used from them in this price range it was a little disappointing.
Using this player was very simple and there was no set up process. The manual may help you understand how to work with the navigation and small amount of features available but for the most part I was able to figure it out on my own so I know anyone else can. The jog wheel on it is 5 inches which is pretty big considering the whole size of this unit is not very big. They do claim that the job wheel has a “vinyl” feel too it which is not true at all. Any one that has used real vinyl will know this right away when they first get their hands on this unit.
The screen that is on it is full color and it is a little bigger than 3 inches making it a good size to see what you need to see and still keep it portable. The contrast on the screen is very good though and it is easy to see in any lighting condition.
You can use this player with a PC and a Mac and not worry about any issues. It supports MIDI and USB devices. It will play CD’s, CD-R’s, and CD’s with MP3 files on it, not CD-RW’s or DVD’s though. The CD-RW’s was a problem for me as a lot of my digital music on CD’s from around 2002 are on CD-RW disk.
The output audio quality was surprisingly good though considering the price and the overall build of this unit. It gets pretty loud and the audio is very clean and precise. I recommend this to users that do not want to spend a lot of money, but still want to get good sound quality because goo sound quality matters just as much as anything else. But if you can afford to spend a little more money I do recommend going with a better unit from Gemini!