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Mesa Boogie TriAxis
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Mesa Boogie TriAxis

Mesa Boogie Triaxis programmable pre-amp

Très bon état  |  Produit modifié  |  Première main
1 200 €
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 53 jours - 666 vues
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I am selling my Mesa Boogie Triaxis version #2 (best Triaxis's version) in great condition with improved headroom at the op-amp section with better spec op-amps checked by Mesa Boogie.

From Mesa Boogie's website:

"Version 2: (serial #T1631 to T5199 - 1/25/1993) - Version 2.0 Software & TX4 Recto circuit board installed. The new software allows for Continuous Control of parameters via midi and these parameters scroll faster than in Version 1 units. With the TX4 Recto circuit board for Ld1 Red is added, Ld1 Red Mode is changed from the “British Lead” circuit to the Recto Vintage circuit. The Lead modes have their levels increased (to balance with the Rhythm modes), and the Record Outs are matched for Stereo use. The taper and value of the Bass, Mid, and Ld1 Drive are also changed, along with their respective calibration settings. Many units prior to #1631 have since been updated to Version 2.0/TX4. The easiest way to tell is that when the unit is first turned on, the parameter windows will show “2.0” for a couple of seconds before indicating their settings."

You can read about the Triaxis preamp here:
Postée il y a 1 mois - Expire dans 53 jours - 666 vues
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  • 8 annonces
< 6h délai réponse
82.35% taux réponse
9 ans sur AF
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pour 23,65 € de plus
Sécurisé en 3 ou 4x
4 x 313,26 €
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