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- chrislieck
Mic meilleure Room Ever
Publié le 25/09/12 à 21:37 (contenu en anglais)This mic has one of the most realistic room sounds around. No coloring. It is a very flat microphone. We have used these mics for years for room sounds and acoustic guitars. That is the two best applications I have found with this mic. The placement is important. It is very sensitive and picks every nuance up. I love these mics. I recently did a recording session and this was the only mic I used for every instrument aside from drums and vocals. I started with acoustic guitar I and I mic'd the guitar from about 1 foot back from the body and used another one from about 2 feet back and the sound was incredible. I was using a basic pre amp that day nothing fancy. The sound was flat and sounded fat, crisp and clean. There was no colorizing to the sound. I then moved on to sax and horns. We placed the mic about three feet back from the trumpet and the sax and the high mid roll off that I noticed was great for the harsh horns. I used another one for the room and it sounded incredible. I have used these a thousand times and never have I been dissatisfied in any way shape of form. Most people have never even hear of this mic. They have a real flat response but at about 3k they seem to roll off the harsh sounds no matter what the instrument is. If you use this for vocals it could work but I have not use it for lead vocals but I have used it in a backing vocal session a while back and it worked great. I used it to room mic some drums and it became my favorite microphone for live drums and for micing cymbals and tom toms. My engineer loves this mic and uses them at all times on guitar amps and acoustic guitar.
These microphones may not be as well known as other mics but they of the most realistic sounding clean mics you will ever own. I have a pair. www.chrislieckstudios.com. We have used them for some time and quite often. Like I stated most people have never heard of this mic and don't know much about them but I was turned on to the mic by an old buddy and love the way it sounds. It has a warm flat tone that is very clean and very crisp and very very flat. Flat is what you want to use if possible.11 - stompboxjon
Glad je l'ai utilisé
Publié le 30/08/12 à 09:49 (contenu en anglais)The Oktava MK 219 is a cardioid , large pattern fixed microphone that provides a high pass filter switch also known as a roll of switch, as well as a 10dB pad switch. If you want to use this microphone for vocals it is almost a must to have a pop filter. If you choose to not have a pop filter you will hear the effects of not having one. I made these mistake years ago and immediately got my pop filter out. Without using a pop filter the MK 219 will sound horrible and really cheap. But if you use a pop filter you will hear how good the microphone really sounds, it is very warm and natural sounding. Oktava claims that the microphone can be used for pianos, as well as acoustic guitars. With acoustic guitars I say yes, but pianos I say no, I don’t feel like the microphone can give a natural piano sound when using it. I have tried it and didn’t like it. But it does sound very good on acoustic guitars.
There are a lot of other microphones on the market that have similar specs to the MK 219 and will give you a sound like the MK 219 but they will cost almost twice as much as the MK 219 does. This microphone will give you a great quality recording and it’s a pretty universal microphone. Vocals will sound amazing (with pop filter) and your acoustic recordings will too. The value for the sound of this microphone is great, it could easily cost twice as much as it does. I was very happy with the decision to use this microphone a few years back, it was one of the best multi purpose microphones that I have ever owned and could afford to own for home recording. You have to try the Mk 219 by Oktava!
11 - moosersPublié le 20/09/09 à 00:51 (contenu en anglais)The Oktava MK-219 is a large diaphragm condenser microphone that is made for the recording studio. It isn't made for live shows and I wouldn't recommend using it outside of the studio at all. The mic has a cardioid polar pattern and will pick up everything between 40 Hz and 16 Khz. It also has a
I've been using the Oktava MK-219 for a few months and it is a pretty cool little mic. It is good for a number of different situations and has a pretty clean sound quality. Oktava has a great line of mics that usually sound pretty good and are quite affordable. This is a pretty unique looking microphone and looks unlike any other mics that I have seen out there for the most part. I've used the mic primarily for recording acoustic instruments like acoustic piano and acoustic guitar as well as for vocals. It doesn't have the warmest sound in the world but it will get the job done in a home studio setting. However, if you are a professional this microphone probably isn't of much use to you. While it does sound good there are tons of other mics that clearly sound better than this as this isn't up there with the best of them by far. It is a mid range microphone designed for home and project studios looking to get a nice sounding mic for a nice price. As long as you don't expect too much from the Oktava MK-219, I think you'll be pretty happy with the sound that you can get with this mic. However, if you are looking for a top end mic, this definitely isn't it and I would look elsewhere. Overall, this is a good sounding microphone at a great price, so I really can't complain about it.
01 - FurtPublié le 26/02/05 à 19:10Micro statique russe à grande membrane, d’allure très spartiate, au look un peut vieillot.
Directivité cardioïde, Gamme de fréquences : 40Hz-16kHz, pad – 10db, filtre coupe bas (les commutateurs sont plutôt rudimentaires et fragiles).
Comme il a été dit précédemment, il faut une suspension qui tienne le corps du micro bien serré si l’on veut éviter des bruits mécaniques qui en disent long sur la qualité de fabrication de certains Oktava.
Ceci dit, le son du MK 219 est assez génial.
Il est vrai qu’en coupant les aigus à partir de 16kHz, Oktava ne prend pas trop de risque au niveau de l’agressivité. Cependant ce micro est très homogène. Il génère un son doux …Lire la suiteMicro statique russe à grande membrane, d’allure très spartiate, au look un peut vieillot.
Directivité cardioïde, Gamme de fréquences : 40Hz-16kHz, pad – 10db, filtre coupe bas (les commutateurs sont plutôt rudimentaires et fragiles).
Comme il a été dit précédemment, il faut une suspension qui tienne le corps du micro bien serré si l’on veut éviter des bruits mécaniques qui en disent long sur la qualité de fabrication de certains Oktava.
Ceci dit, le son du MK 219 est assez génial.
Il est vrai qu’en coupant les aigus à partir de 16kHz, Oktava ne prend pas trop de risque au niveau de l’agressivité. Cependant ce micro est très homogène. Il génère un son doux et chaud bien équilibré qui le rend utile dans un grand nombre de situations. Je connais des guitaristes classiques qui ont été bluffés par les qualités sonores du MK 219.
De plus, son prix le met à la portée de toutes les bourses.
Attention, ce n’est ni un Neumann U87, ni même un AKG 414, mais il peut rendre de d’excellents services grâce à sa musicalité.
J'en possède deux que j'utilise très souvent.Lire moins90 - U-FLYstudioPublié le 20/01/05 à 00:15Micro statique cardio
avec filtre pase haut et ATT-10dB
vendu avec pince sans rotule européenne (c'est toujours le cas chez Oktava)
esthétique contestable !!!
remarque : les 219 et 319 sont de bons micros au son assez chaud et détaillé, malgré un bruit de corps du micro à la limite de l'acceptable !!!!! dès que l'on frole le micro, le corps de celui-ci produit presque une harmonique, tant il sonne creux et les résonnances des très fortes pressions dans le corps même du micro donnent une impression un peu fouilli et déstabilisante quand on parle coller au micro !!!!!
bref, la qualité de métal utilisée est la cause de ce très gros défault (russie oblige)
la suspension élastique est donc le p…Lire la suiteMicro statique cardio
avec filtre pase haut et ATT-10dB
vendu avec pince sans rotule européenne (c'est toujours le cas chez Oktava)
esthétique contestable !!!
remarque : les 219 et 319 sont de bons micros au son assez chaud et détaillé, malgré un bruit de corps du micro à la limite de l'acceptable !!!!! dès que l'on frole le micro, le corps de celui-ci produit presque une harmonique, tant il sonne creux et les résonnances des très fortes pressions dans le corps même du micro donnent une impression un peu fouilli et déstabilisante quand on parle coller au micro !!!!!
bref, la qualité de métal utilisée est la cause de ce très gros défault (russie oblige)
la suspension élastique est donc le premier remède obligé à pareil infortune, le suivant sera sans doute un leger coupe bas ( contre les infra ), le troisème est enfin d'entourer le corps du micro d'un morceau de caoutchou bien serrer tout au tour du micro, celui-ci absorbant une bonne partie de l'energie produite par la mise en résonnance du corps microphonique ( racourci le temps de résonnace dans le bas médium ) .
Micro extremement bien placé sur le marché des statiques à petit prix,
il se rapproche assez d'un AKG C414 ULS , par son coté chaud et peu flatteur dans l'aigu, il est par contre extremement sensible aux bruits de manipulations, plus abérant aussi en terme de neutralité, prévoir une suspension ou une utilisation sur pied stable,
plus de défaults que son cousin génial qu'est le MC 012, mais un son de grand diaphragm intéressant et de qualité .Lire moins80