Lui non plus... enfin semblerait-il (rapport au Synthlite): des DCO seraient des oscillateurs analogiques controlés numériquement (je me répete, je sais, mais c'est l'age, que voulez-vous... ), tandis qu'il est affirmé dans un post sur "Analogue Heaven" (voir qu'il ne s'agit pas pour ce modele d' oscillateurs analogiques:
Citation : There is no analogue circuitry in the oscillator sections. Over by the filter I only find enough trannies and OTAs to support the filter and VCA. So where are the oscillators? At the bottom left of the board is Fujitsu microcontroller of some sort so lets go look that up on the net. Turns out it's a fairly powerful Fujitsu F2MC 16 bit MB90F497G microcontroller with 128kB of ROM and 4kB of RAM, as well as a nice complement of built in A/D.[...] It only took a minute to trace out the circuit path of the tuning controls in the oscillator section to see they're feeding the microcontroller. After studying things a little more and putting an oscope on the micro-p it's obvious what's going on. Despite what MFB's own website, marketing literature, user manual, and unit itself says, this unit has