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Editer son module Emu (Orbit 9090, Orbit 2, Carnical ...)

Comme c'est réellement une grosse douleur à éditer, un petit utilitaire PC gratuit est utilisable pour éditer l'une des meilleur sans doute, machines dédié à la musique "dancefloor"

C'est dispo ICI

Citation :
OrbEdit is a patch editor for the E-mu Orbit family of sound modules. Features include
editing and saving presets and banks and a virtual MIDI keyboard. Future versions will
(hopefully) allow editing of beats and songs as well.

OrbEdit is freeware. It's also my first Windows program, and this is only the second
public release, so it's bound to have the odd bug here and there.

Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT and an Orbit-compatible module.

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